Subj:	 [ffml] [MW] Dissention
Date:	99-12-03 17:29:14 EST
From: (Tim K)

From: "Tim K" 

Sorry if some of the language offends some people. Course, it probably won't seem all that bad to those who are involved in MW. ;)


Tyler looked around and saw no one suspicious, only the occasional soldier
sneaking out of his tent for any number of reasons (mostly of the wine/women/
song categories) and a few moogles wandering through the human encampment.
*Guard duty might not be the most exciting thing in the world,* he thought, *But it certainly gives a guy some time to himself.*

With that, he fished a small box out of his pocket. Though covered with ornate
metalwork, the box was tarnished and quite unspectacular. Tyler took one 
final scan for officers and, seeing none, opened the lid, quickly pulled 
out a hand-rolled cigarette, then snapped the box shut and slipped it 
back into his pocket. He went to his other pocket for a match, then lit the
cigarette and quickly stamped out the
match. As he took the first drag, he reminisced about how he had gotten the
box in the first place. Exhaling a cloud of fumes, he smiled ruefully.

"What're you grinning about?"

Tyler quickly whirled around, but even as an excuse formed in his mind he 
recognized the voice. "Damn, Magnus, gimme some warning next time. I thought 
you were a lieutenant hunting for someone to bust."

The big man chuckled heartily. "Maybe if you weren't doing something you 
could get busted for, you wouldn't have thought that."

"Yeah, whatever," Tyler said with a grin.

Quite rapidly, the good spirits dissipated. Magnus sighed and shook his 
head. "My friend, what are we doing out here?"

Tyler puffed and looked at the other man. "What do you mean?"

"I mean what's the emperor so alarmed about that he's got all of us up in 

"Well, I hear Intelligence said there's an army on the way looking to overthrow 
him and kill some moogles."

"Oh, I get it. His lordship wants us to save his hide," grunted Magnus.

Tyler grinned sardonically. "Well, when you got that kind of power, why not use it?" 

After taking another drag, he added, "I'll tell you what, though. I don't
think the emperor is the one we gotta be careful about. If you ask me or just about anyone else in this camp, the moogles are the ones you gotta watch."

Magnus shrugged. "I dunno, they don't seem all that threatening to me."

"Hah! You kidding?" Tyler shook his head. "Do you even know what those 
little bastards do to their enemies?"

"No, what?"

"They fuck 'em. To death. No, don't look at me like that, it's true, I
swear to the gods."


"Yeah. I mean, hell, I've seen some gruesome deaths. I seen a guy get
beaten to death. Believe me, that ain't pretty; there was like little- bits of 
flesh torn off, all over the place. Made me wanna puke."

Magnus scoffed. "You think that's bad? I've seen men get mauled by a bear. You 
believe me, there's more than just 'bits' of flesh lying on the ground 
after a bear attack!"

"Yeah, yeah, but you get my point, right? I mean warriors expect to die by 
the sword, or get beaten to death, or get torn to bits by a monster. But 
getting screwed to death...that's just wrong. It just is...I really feel sorry 
for those poor bastards who we're gonna be fighting."

Magnus shrugged. "Even so, do you really think the moogles will 
doublecross us?"

Tyler exhaled and thought for a moment. "I dunno. Probably not, but I mean
that's a human army we're gonna fight, and we're a human army too. Do you
really think those horny little fuzzballs won't make the connection?"

Magnus said nothing, and Tyler nodded. "Exactly. I'm not saying they will, but 
I AM saying us humans all better watch our asses. Literally." He smiled at his 
own joke then added, "Tell you this man: if one of those little fuckers so
much as bumps into me from behind, I'll chop its fuckin' head off."

"Which head are you talking about there," chortled Magnus.

Tyler laughed and said, "I dunno, man, maybe both of 'em." With that, he dropped his cigarette and ground it into the dirt beneath his boot.

- Xoth




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