E-mail to the Warriors E-mail to the Warriors
The Northern Paladin
Suddenly, among the assembled warriors, a shimmer of transporter sparkle appears, and resolves into this letter...
From: The Northern Paladin
CC: Bacca, Jaana, LadyPaladin, DruidKaitlin, Palom, Porom, DarkLord of Lizar, Sephiroth, Kharis Knightwind
Subject: The Rise of Dark Moogle
Greetings, fellow warriors. It is I, the Northern Paladin. I apologize for my absence, but after the Dark Moogle's traitorous actions, I had to spend time alone in meditation. Now, I must atone for my error in allowing the Dark Moogle into our alliance, and I must do so alone. In my meditation, a vision came to me, in which a being of great power and light came forth and told me that only a very few select warriors can stop and destroy the Dark Moogle. I am among those few, and I must do all that I can to destroy him before he gains the ultimate power of the Materia.
Brave and mighty allies, I must take this quest upon mine own shoulders, for it is I who allowed him into my headquarters, where he first learned of the existence of the Ultimate Materia. Therefore, it is up to me, and me alone, to stop him, and return honor to my name. Do all that you can, in the fight against Emperor Mog, and if I survive this quest, and redeem my honor, I shall contact you again...
Your one-time general,
The Northern Paladin