Subj: [ffml] [MW] Date: 00-08-27 13:17:49 EDT From: Reply-to: To: General Kat looked ahead through her binoculars. "Good, just as I thought. Southvale. It looks like the Domans and Averiel have already made camp in that earthen fort up ahead. I'm glad we got here before nightfall." After they were let into the fort, Kat could see that Tim was engaged in a gauntlet, and he was doing quite well. Tim took on more and more oppenents in succession without being defeated. Tim made it up to fifteen successive opponents, and only did he succum. Tim then got up, shook the hands of his opponents, and wiped his brow. He got many a pat on the back from his men. Then he spotted Kat, who was standing about ten yards away, with scores of Henriksens behind her. "General, it is good to see that we will have the assistance of your army against the moogles here, but what of Hiel Keep? I heard that it was attacked. Why are you and your men not still guarding it?" "Not to worry, Colonal," said Kat, "my men are still guarding the Keep. It's security is in cabable hands." "Then who are the men with you now? I have not received any word of any additional troops coming here from Lance Henriksenia." "These Henriksens here are the result of asexual reproduction. Appearently, these guys can just split in two." "Are you kidding me?" said Tim, "If they can do that, why don't they just do it in battle? They'd never lose, and the moogles would have been history long ago." A Henriksen stepped forward. "Allow me to explain," he said, "yes, we can 'spilt in two,' as the General put that isn't as great of an advantage over sexual creatures as it may sound. Just as you humans need to reach a certain level of maturity before you can reproduce, so must we. And just like the childbirth that your females engage in out, cleavage is an exhausting process." "I see, General. Well, good luck against the moogles, you're going to need it," he chuckled. "See me later in the war room," he pointed to a large tent. "We'll work out our battle plans for tomorrow." Tim then went off to his own tent to rest from the gauntlet contest. It was at this point that Kat noticed that the young avariel that was gawking in fasinated disbelief at Kat's homogenic army. Kat cleared her throat and said, "May I help you?" "Huh? Who? Me? No, I'm fine thanks," said the avariel, who continued to stare at the Henriksens. Kat was now really annoyed at this point. "If you want to make yourself useful, you can help us set up camp." "Okay," said the avariel, who wasn't in the mood for physical labour, but wanted an excuse to study these strange people. "Thank you," said Kat, "The porters are carrying the tents. To see what to do with them, just watch the Henriksens. The avariel nodded and went to work. Kat walked around, supervising the work of the Henriksens, but they all seemed to have the right idea as to where to put the tents, so Kat decided that she could do the most good by helping with putting up the tents. She found herself working alongside the avariel. Just as the avariel was curious about the Henriksens, Kat couldn't help but feel curiousity towards these winged elves, whom she had only seen briefly back at Hiel Keep. "So, what's your name?" "Triu, and yours?" "Spacecat VIII, but everyone calls me Kat." "And who are these... people?" "They are the Lance Henriksens. They are all duplicates of a single man. 600 years ago, in the second war of the moogles, their manpower combined with Bacca's leadship saved humanity from the moogles and their allies. Though the whole war probably wouldn't have happened if it weren't for that Dark Lord and his delusions..." "So, how did you come to lead them?" asked Triu. "Good question," said Kat, "I initially got their attention by blowing the Henriksen Horn, an ancient artifact which mimics the call of the Henriksen, but I fully gained their trust when they found out I was a descendant of Spacecat I, who was their friend during Moogle War II. When they found out that I had studied military tactics in college, they made me their General. I may not have as much combat experience as some of the other leaders in this war, but I am confident that I can make a difference in these upcoming battles. I must, for Bessie." "Bessie?" asked Triu. "Never mind," said Kat, "That's a whole other story. How about you tell me about yourself and your people?" Date: 00-08-28 11:32:48 EDT From: (Larathia) Triu was practically quivering with curiosity and excitement; her first big assignment, and she could report discovery of a whole new humanoid species! She hoped her Captain was getting all this; when she saw the identical men, she'd immediately activated the communications amulet she wore so Nighthawk could hear. A whole new species! She realized her thoughts were scattering; quickly she tried to pull herself together enough to answer this nice person's questions - if she did well, perhaps Nighthawk would allow her to be liason to *these* people, too. She bowed as to a superior; fist to her chest and a small forward bow. "I would be honored, General Kat. I am Triu of the Finch House; that is to say, I am a brown-winged one trained as a fighter. Of those of our people that came to this world, I am the youngest at just 100. This is my first time outside the borders of our kingdom, never mind on a whole new world. I was chosen by our Captain, Nighthawk, to be the official liason between her people and Lord Tim, because they don't seem to get on well and I think he's cute...but he doesn't seem to like me much. I am trained to use the crossbow, and I can shoot pretty well, but I'm not very good at ground combat. After watching Lord Tim today, I am glad I can fly!" Triu tried to think of anything else about herself that was remotely interesting, and couldn't. So she decided to answer the other half of the General's question. "My people are the Avariel, that is to say, elves who are the specially chosen children of Aerdrie Faenya, the goddess of wind and weather. It was she who gave us wings, and taught us to make light weapons of special glass. The blue winged avariel you may see in the camp are her priests and priestesses; they listen to the birds and the voices on the wind so we may know her will. We came here because the Captain said she saw a threat on this world that could in time threaten our homeland; she asked for suicide volunteers. By that I mean she told us that whoever went probably would never see home again, whether we lived or not. These moogle creatures are kinda cute, and I wish they weren't such a bother, but maybe if we cut the population down enough they won't be a threat to anyone." General Kat was beginning to see why this one stared so much; she was a complete bubblehead. Meantime, Triu had fallen silent and was obviously thinking hard. Finally, she spoke. "I don't know if you're with Lord Tim generally or not, but if you really rule these Hendriksons, I can ask my Captain to send you a liason for our people, or if you like I could serve in that capacity for at least as long as you're here with Lord Tim. I am sure my Captain will be very interested in these men; even in her tales of other worlds I've never heard her talk about people like you guys!" From: "Sure, that's fine with me," said Kat.