Subj: [ffml] [MW] An unlikely encounter Date: 00-07-14 12:28:31 EDT From: ( Reply-to: To: Tojo came back into conciousness to find himself looking up at Ross, his close personal assistant. "My lord, you're awake." Tojo looked at him blankly for a moment, the recollection of the events that had led to his loosing control came back to him. His face filled with fear, and he jolted upright. "The army... the magic!" "They fell, Tojo," Ross said, putting a strong arm out to prevent Tojo from getting up. "No... My people... dead, and I did it... not Mog..." "Tojo, don't worry-" "Don't worry," Tojo shouted, "They're dead! All of them!" "Not exactly," Ross said. "We took the time to post some magic users at the bottom of the cavern to form a sort of saftey net in case something should go wrong. They don't have enough power to life the troops up here, but they do have enough to prevent them from crashing to the cavern floor." "Ross...," Ross seemed a bit shocked to hear Tojo say his name. It wasn't something he often did. "Ross, why didn't you tell me that you had set them up." "Well, sir, it's just that... well, we didn't want you to think we had lost faith in you. We haven't, but we were afraid the thought had crossed your mind in the last few days that maybe our loyalty had wavered in the period of your absence. I'd like to make sure you know that it hasn't. We remain steadfast in our obedience to you, my lord." "I have never doubted your faith in me, Ross. You are truly a loyal friend. But, nevertheless, we must continue our quest to stop Mog and his moogles from doing any more harm. How many troops?" "Nearly 3,000 troops are clear of the cave sir." "Three thousand," Tojo said to himself, "that's an awful lot. That many men isn't enough to launch a full scale invasion, yet too many for any kind of stealth mission." Tojo looked to Ross. "Ross?" "Yes, sir?" "I want you to stay here with the army. The moogles may think we are just massing in the hills, preparing to strike. In the mean time, I will take a group of ten soldiers with me, but- and here's the part I'm sure you won't like, I only want 4 members of my honor guard to accompany me." "But sir," Ross's dislike of the idea was very appearent in his voice, "your honor guard are the best soldiers in the army, and you have twelve of them here, why would you only want to take four with you?" "If I leave the rest of them here, the moogles will think that I am still here. I will take my group of ten scouting about for anyone who might give us information." "And where do you intend to scout?" Tojo surveyed the landscape for a moment. His men were at the base of a tall, rocky hill. The cave was partially hidden on the side of the hill by all the large rocks that surrounded it. At the foot of the hill, the rocks gave way to grass, and it was in this grass that his men waited. Beyond the grass, however, there was a dark forest. "There," Tojo said pointing to the trees, "I'm sure I can find some help in there." "The woods? Why would there be help there, sir?" "There seem to be moogle patrols out in this area, like the one that attacked us. Enemies of Mog in this area would want to hide somewhere, most likely in a forest." "That makes sense, sir. But what makes you think you will be able to find these guys if Mog couldn't?" "Give me a break, Ross. These are moogles we're talking about. They couldn't find their own ass holes if the other moogles weren't constantly violating them." "Right sir. I'll make the preperations." ------ Tojo and his group stood ready to go, facing the forest. Turning around, Tojo saw his army camped on the hill behind him. Ross walked through the camp, the remaining honor guard escorting him. "Let's go," Tojo said, motioning for his group to move out. As they entered the forest, Tojo reached out into the web. He could feel his army some distance away; they were filled with fear. They were too far away to draw on now, however. He could sense his ten men in the web as well. They were apprehensive but confident in Tojo's ability. He also felt another life somewhere nearby. Using the web, Tojo placed an invisible, sound-proof dome around his men to prevent others from hearing their footsteps through the forest. "I sense a life force somwhere in this forest," Tojo told his men, "It's up ahead a ways. I can't pinpoint it's location exactly; it is not aware of me, and it's signal is strangely weak, but I'll take us to the general area." Tojo's men walked through the forest, oblivious to how much noise they made as the dome Tojo had formed would prevent others from hearing them. Tojo's men came to a small clearing in the woods. On the forest floor slept and ork and a moogle. "One of these two is definately the life I sensed in the web," Tojo said to himself, "but orks and moogles have never shown up in the web before, only humans..." The moogle on the ground shifted slightly in his sleep, and Tojo recognized him. "Junior!" "Sir, do you know him?" One of the members of his honor guard asked Tojo in an invouluntary whisper. "The moogle is only half moogle, and he is the one who brought me back from suspended animation. I don't know who the ork is though." Tojo took another step towards them and noisly crunched some branches beneath his feet. At the sound, the ork bolted awake and jumped to his feet. "Oo da 'ell ar yooz?" Tojo realized that his sound-blocking web had no effect on the ork. "Be calm, be calm, I mean no harm. I was once helped by your companion here," Tojo motioned towards the sleeping Junior. "Yoo knowz dis dood? But whoz youz?" "I am Tojo Mojo, ruler of the Mohorovicic Discontinuity." "Todo Modo, huh? Whyz yooz runin' 'round wakin' mez from my sleep?" Drugga's noisy talking had awoken Junior by this time. "That's Tojo Mojo, and I'm looking for Mog. I want to take revenge." "Dood, Mog iz dead. Dat Mog wuz eatin' by da big T-Rex." "No... I wanted to kill him..." "Lotz of doods wanna kill dat fuckin' bastard." Junior came in at this point. "Tojo Mojo, I see you're doing better." "Yes. I never got a chance to thank you for what you did to me. I am eager to repay your favor; are you still trying to elimante Mog's empire?" "Now we're looking for a man named Turan. He killed Sephiroth, his own mother." "Turan gotz to die!" Drugga added. "I would love to help you. I have these ten men with me, plus more men camped on a nearby hill. What's your plan?" -------------------------------------------- Tojo Subj: [ffml] Re: [MW] An unlikely encounter Date: 00-07-28 16:20:56 EDT From: (His Dark Lordship) Reply-to: To: > "I would love to help you. I have these ten men with me, plus more men > camped on a nearby hill. What's your plan?" "Plan?" grumbled Drugga. "Weez wuz juz gonna go find 'im 'n kill 'im." Tojo sighed. Either this ork wasn't too bright or he was a tad overconfident. "Turan probably will have protection." he said. Drugga snorted. "Ah'd like ta see any fuzzy try 'n take an Orky." Tojo hadn't quite payed attention, but he did now notice that Drugga was rather... large. He looked back to his men, who were eying him somewhat nervously. Drugga then blinked. "'ey, Moogle boy." "My name's Junior..." muttered Junior. "Wotever. Woddya know 'bout Turan'z 'fences?" Junior blinked, thinking for a moment before he realized what the hell Drugga just said. "From what I've gathered..." he said. "Turan is held up in Southvale, which is south of Doma. When I went through Southvale last, it was heavily fortified. I doubt that's changed much." Drugga grunted in understanding. "Ah c'n probably get 'n der and take 'im out witout too much trouble.." he said, half to himself, half to his new companions. "But yooz might 'ave sum." "I do have a force of three thousand men." cut in Tojo. Drugga raised his eyebrow. "Well dat changez 'verythin'." "We can't travel with three thousand men, though." commented Junior. "They Moogles would spot us." "Yah, 'n if weez 'ead ta dat Southvale place in small groups at wunce, they'd know sumptink wuz up too." "Wait, wait..." said Tojo. He quickly grabbed a small stick and started drawing a few circles into the dirt. "Wot the-" "It's a map." grumbled Tojo. "Alright, we are, as far as I can gather, here." Tojo pointed to the southernmost part of the map. "Now, Junior, where would southvale be?" Junior pointed to a spot on a west penisula just north of the forest. "Southvale guards a bridge that leads to Doma, which is just northwest of there." "'derz a river to da nerth 'uv Southvale too." Tojo sighed, and conjured up a spherical map of the region. "We are in the disadvantage that we're behind enemy lines." he said. "So we can't move a large body of troops without being noticed." "The Domans are coming in from the North." added Junior. Drugga looked at Junior. Tojo nodded. He shifted his train of thought for a second and the image in the Sphere changed to a force camped in a city. "This force seems to be the Moogle's priority." said Tojo. "Odd... why would the ebb tell me that?" "Maybe that Tim fellow is there..." added Junior. "Wot? Tim? Tim 'oo?" Junior chuckled. "The Domans are hailing him as the High Lord of All that Kicks Ass." Drugga grunted. "Da High Lord uv All dat Kickz Ass iz Bacca, and I beat 'iz ass agez 'go, twice." "Apparantly there is a new one..." cut in Tojo. "Anyway, my guess would be that the Moogles are mainly preparing for an assault from the North, and only keeping a marginal lookout on the South." "I doubt it." said Junior. "Turan probably realizes this forest is probably the best place to hide a reserve force." "'ey!" yelled Drugga, pointing at the Sphere. "Wot the fuck iz dat!?!" "It's a magical sphere of seeing..." grumbled Tojo. "No, ya stupid 'oomie, in da sphere!" All three stared at the sphere. An image was going by of several people... winged.. cutting up moogles. Junior took one look at the blood and walked off to the bushes. "Drugga... good question. What the hell ARE those?" asked Tojo, staring into the Sphere. "Flutteroomiez 'er sumptink." grumbled Drugga. "Probly taztez like chicken. Anywayz, yooz gotz a force uv three thouzanz? Lemme see 'em." Tojo nodded. "Follow me." Drugga got up, making sure he had the Masamune with him in case this was a trap. He then turned to the bushes where various sounds were being made. "'ey! Moogleboy! Weez iz leaving." Junior stumbled out of the bushes, wiping vomit from his fuzzy cheeks and grumbled. "My name is Junior, dammit." -- The eternal lord of darkness... "And if our dreams sometimes come true, then what of our nightmares?" -The undisputed Master of Final Fantasy 2 -GM of FF2c -Member in good standing of Sky's Posse ICQ UIN# 23424269 IRC Nicks: TheDarkLord, GannondorfDragmire, occasionally Blackthorne System: Amiga 4000/040 Cybervision64 & Opalvision ---INTEL/MICROSOFT FREE---