Subj: [ffml] [MW] Betrayal Date: 00-07-11 21:40:05 EDT From: (His Dark Lordship) Reply-to: To: (ffml) Azala gazed at the building. "Now or never." he grunted. They walked up to the door, which suddenly swung open. Vincent yelped as he recognized the form before them. "Ah... we've been expecting you..." chuckled Hecht, his gun arm ready to blow the party away. Azala blinked. "Just who are you?" "I am Hecht." snarled the figure. "And you are Azala." Azala blinked. "How did you know my name!?!" he yelled. "Ah... we have been watching you... Come inside, and don't try anything." Azala and Nizbel shrugged and strolled in, with Poochie and Vincent following somewhat more cautiously. Hecht lead them into a great room. There, sitting on the throne, was Godzilla. "So... you are Azala..." said Godzilla slowly. Azala nodded. Almost instinctively, Azala pulled out the porno trigger and pointed it at the Lizard God. "I'm sorry, but your presence in this world is not needed." Godzilla laughed as the Porno Trigger flew out of Azala's hand, into the wall. Azala staggered. For the first time, he felt somewhat powerless in this whole ordeal. His rise to king of the Reptites was due to the strange... mutation he had which made him overlly telekenetic. Now, his gift was useless. Godzilla chuckled. "Now that your little toy is out of your hands, we can talk." Azala sighed. "I guess so." "Now, as I understand it, Tyrquah, Guroos and Rktktos sent you to seal me, correct?" Poochie blinked. "Tyrquah? Guroos?" Godzilla sighed. "The Dark Lord, Light Lord and Grey Lord, rather." Azala nodded. "From my infomation, you are mad." Hecht stood silently. "Ah, the election thing." chuckled Godzilla. "That..." Godzilla cast a glance at Hecht. "Was merely a ploy to throw your friends off, while testing my subject's loyalty..." Azala again stood silent. "Now, allow me to explain to you what your friends have failed to. I gave them their power." Azala nodded. "The reason being is because you-" he motioned to Vincent, who cringed, "Human vermin, decided to turn on me and the Reptite races. I knew the outcome as soon as the war was declared, and thus I spoke to those three individuals, so as to keep the world in a stable case." "The deal was that they would surrender thier power to me when I returned, but alas, they seem to be going back on their word." "How terrible." snorted Azala. "But what do you want me to do about it? Seal them instead? Thanatos has been a close friend of mine for ages." "They are using you." "And you are not?" Godzilla chuckled. "Then if I cannot ask for your loyalty, I must ask for your neutrality." Azala blinked. He did know he was being used, yes, but could he really end the mission now? Go against Thanatos, his friend... "You never did thank me for your gift, Azala." Azala looked up. "Yes, I watched you. You are a man of destiny, with more riding on your actions than meets the eye." Azala blinked. He sighed. "You have my neutrality." Poochie coughed. "Very well then. And you?" Godzilla looked to Nizbel. "Wherever my Lord goes I shall follow." he said adamantly. "Very well. I must thank you for your faith in-" Godzilla's statement was cut short. In almost an instant, a portal flushed open underneith him, sucking him through. He stared at the source, Vincent, standing at the corner, and let out a bellowed roar before disapearing into the vortex. Vincent stood, quivering. He dropped the Porno Trigger. He felt his body pinned against the wall, his entire torso being pummelled by small objects. He saw his crimson wine on the floor, and he saw V'terr's hand grasping his. And then he saw nothing. Hecht stared at Vincent's lifeless body. "Bloody fucking humans..." he swore. Azala, somewhat in shock, strolled over and picked up the porno trigger. "This is dated for six hundred years ago." he said, finally. "So?" "About Six Hundred years ago a Gigantic Reptile emerged, smashing several cities and causing a sever rucus during that Moogle War." Hecht blinked. "Then that would mean..." Azala chuckled. "That would mean the people who sent me don't seem to realize that there still is a Godzilla in this world..." Hecht blinked. "If he is here, why hasn't he taken the world back?" "Maybe he's waiting for something." cut in Poochie. All three of them looked at him. "Makes sense..." said Hecht. "Oh yeah..." said Azala. "I don't need this anymore, so here." Azala handed the Porno Trigger to Poochie. "Thanks!" said Poochie. In an instant he was gone. "So now what?" asked Hecht. "Well, until this event occurs..." rationalized Azala. "Which could be soon or not for some time, you might as well stay at the Tyrano Lair. You probably could help give the people the boost they need." Hecht thought for a moment. "Alright. It would be nice to see my father's people again." The three nodded. Azala and Nizbel in the gear, Hecht next to it, they marched back to the Tyrano Lair. -- The eternal lord of darkness... Subj: [ffml] [MW] The black sheep returns to the herd Date: 00-07-12 03:17:20 EDT From: Reply-to: To: It was a cold day in the unforgiving city, as cold as my ex-wife. It was this sort of day that would make a person want to fly to Fiji, or at least stay in bed. But in my line of work, taking a day off means missing a case. I'm Mike Screwdriver, private eye. After a few hours of throwing pencils at the ceiling, in walked a case. Normally, my cases come to me in the form of red-haired dames in high heals, but this one was different. It was a cartoon dog from the future. He said he got here with a time machine that I had build for that dame, Jaana. He wanted me to convert it into something he could use to travel inter-dimensionally. It wasn't my usual case, but I would need some cash today if I wanted to see my friend Jack tonight. Jack Daniels, that is. I told him to make himself at home while I worked on it. I directed him towards my bookcase, and told him he could puruse my books to keep himself occupied while he waited. ----- Poochie felt very anxious. The whole Godzilla ordeal had left him feeling shaken, and this detective guy didn't look like he knew what he was doing. But according to what Bahamut had told him before, this was the guy who had build the porno trigger. At first he just sat, twiddling his thumbs, but then decided to look through Mr. Screwdriver's books. Private Investigation for Dummies, How to Build a Time Machine, All About Espers... That third one caught Poochie's eye. He wondered how much a human author from the 1940's would know about his race. He opened the book to a random page. ----- Special Powers Most Espers have strong powers which are readily recgonizable, while others possess much subtler powers. For example, there is a trait which runs in the Branford family of Espers which allows some of them to sexually seduce anyone they want, causing that person to feel romantic feelings for them. Branfords who possess this power usually also possess the ability to teleport small objects. ----- I finished work on the device and told him how to use it. He paid me and then went through a wormhole with the device. He was gone before I could tell him that his future money had no value here. Now I'd have to wait for another beautiful dame to step in here before I could either pay my landlady or get drunk enough to forget about her. ----- After a particularly passionate session of lovemaking, Kat lay next to Ladice who had was now asleep. Kat, in her post-amore glow decided, to take a walk. After a short time, she heard a voice, a voice that she never expected to hear again. "Kat!" said Poochie, "I'm so glad you're okay!" "Poochie!" she said, embracing him, "How did you get here?" "With this," he said, holding up the porno trigger. "But I thought that only took you to a time and place where somebody was having..." She blushed, realizing the implication. "There's something I must tell you," said Poochie, in a serious tone, "It's about Ladice." Kat said nothing. "This may be hard to believe, but I have reason to believe that Ladice is using you, just like she used her brother, and just like she used Tim." "No," said Kat, "You don't even know her. She's a good person. Her brother was using her, not the other way around." There was a tear in her eye as she spoke. "I know you have feelings for her," said Poochie, "but those feelings are induced by her magical powers. I read that members of her family tend to have the ability to seduce people at will, causing them to have romantic feelings for them. She's probably waiting for the moment that two are rescued, and then, she will manipulate you as a General, using you as her pawn in this war." Kat wasn't sure what to think. Could she have been deceived, these last few months on this island? She trusted Poochie, but she had also trusted Ladice. "Even if you are right, Poochie," she said, "I'd rather keep living this fantasy. Here, with her, I feel more fulfilled, more important, more loved than I ever did back home. So, I would appreaciate it if you would use your porno trigger to go back where you came from." "The porno trigger!" said Poochie, "Where is it?!" A minute ago, he was holding it in his hand, but now his hands were empty. "Ladice!" He said, "She must have overheard us, and used teleportation magic to steal the porno trigger! We'll be stranded here!" As quickly as they could, Kat and Poochie ran back towards the hut. Kat could see Ladice standing outside, fiddling with the porno trigger. "Stooppppp!" yelled Kat, but Ladice showed no sign of stopping. A wormhole opened next to Ladice. Acting quickly, Kat took her sword from the sheath on her waist, which she had taken with her on her walk in case she encountered any predators. She hurled the sword at Ladice, and it hit it's mark. Ladice fell to the ground before she could step into the wormhole, which then vanished. Kat went to her side. Ladice was still alive, but losing blood fast. "I'm sorry," she wheezed, "I shouldn't have tried to leave you here. I was just so ashamed that I lied to you about Denar. But I did not use my powers on you. I promise you that. I love you Kat." She coughed up some more blood. "Don't speak," said Kat, gently picking up Ladice, holding her in her arms, "I love you too, Ladice." And then, Ladice's head fell back, and Kat wept. Poochie tactfully walked off, coming back an hour later, and seeing that Kat had buried Ladice and erected a headstone for the tomb, which said, "In memory of Ladice, my true love." "We should be going now," said Kat. Poochie nodded, picked up the porno trigger and activated a wormhole, which he and Kat stepped through. ----- Kat and Poochie appeared in a small room, where something strange was happening. There was a Lance Henriksen, laying in bed. He looked sick. He was sweating and convulsing. Kat was about to ask him if he wanted her to call for a medic, when the Henriksen split in two. Taken off guard, Kat screamed and covered her eyes. When she looked again, instead of seeing a man ripped in half, she saw two Lance Henriksens, now wearing towels around their waists. "General Kat," said one of the Henriksens, "What a surprise to see you here in Lance Henriksenia. We've heard that you were missing." "Yeah, but I'm back now. What exactly just happened." "Well," replied Lance, "After Spacecat died, and therefore could not clone any more of us, our race relized that we would soon die out, because we were all male and could not reproduce sexually. So we developed the ability to reproduce asexually. That's how we've been maintaining our numbers ever since then." "Wow," said Kat, "say, could you take me to who ever is in charge here." "Oh, you mean Lance Henriksen? Follow me." Ladice was promptly taken to the office of President Henriksen, leader of Lance Henriksenia. From what Kat and Poochie could tell from the posters that adorned the office, President Henriksen was currently running for re-election. 'Lance Henriksen is in bed with special interests. Vote for integrity. Re-elect Lance Henriksen.' said one poster. "Kat," said the president, "It's good to see that you are safe." "Likewise, Mr. President," said Kat, "It's a long story, but I've been out of the loop for a while. Could you fill me in on what's been going on in the war since I left?" "Cyan's forces were last reported to be taking back Doma. We just got word that they need some of our troops. We are about to send some there." "Great," said Kat, "Send me with them. I will lead them to victory."