Subj: [ffml] [MW] Gladiator Date: 00-05-11 16:56:39 EDT From: (Sky Hall) Reply-to: To:, The sun was shining brightly into the courtyard. Tim had come out of a set of double doors into the large square. He squinted slightly at the change in light, then focused his eyes on those present. There stood Ricca, his solid form standing next to Melush. Melush was the highest ranking military officer in Norland, his official title Knight Marshal. He was a tall, muscled man (like every other male Tim encountered in Norland), with short black hair that was greying at the temples. His lined face and piercing brown eyes gave him a look of wisdom and power. He wore a decorative coat of office, as well as a decorative sword office. Tim did not doubt that Melush was an able swordsman. In the three days Tim and his companions had arrived, it was a regular site to see men, from middle age to even children, sparring with each other in any open space. Indeed, the people of Norland seemed to relish in fighting, taking any opportunity and situation and fighting to develop their skills, or keep them honed to razor sharpness. A few other men stood in the courtyard, other soldiers and officers of importance in the kingdom. Tim had not yet the king, Ryel, but had seen him in passing and could tell that he was a man of nobility and power. Norland seethed with such, in fact. The people were very honorable and physically well developed. Tim saw only one fat man, who sat dirty and drunk on a street side, begging for alms. Tim's battalion had been allowed to come and camp outside of the city on an open field, seeing as how they posed no threat. Tim could not doubt this, as every soldier of Norland seemed very capable of taking on a moogleboar, or two, by himself. After Tim had arrived, he had been interviewed by Melush. Then Tim had been taken to meet "The Sages of Norland." These wizened old men, in large robes and long white beards, sat in a half circle in a dimly light room. Tim had sat before them and studied them, as the men were studying him. Then the one in the center spoke. "You have returned to us." "Returned?" asked Tim. "Do you feel you have been here before, young one?" asked a man to the left. "I do feel as if this place is familiar. But I have never been here before, even though I have traveled over much of this world." "Did you see Norland in your dreams?" asked a man to the right. "Lately, I have," answered Tim. "Or a desire to come here." "Do you know of The High Lord of All That Kicks Ass?" asked the man in the center. "Do you know what that title entails?" Tim looked at the man and shook his head no. "We see in you that which graces few men," said a man on the left. "The spirit of the greatest of us all." "And something else," said a man to the right. "Something that can only hold e-" He was cut off by the centermost man raising his hand to signal silence. "Do feel you are worthy?" asked the center man. "Worthy?" asked Tim, perplexed by all of this. "You are on a quest, are you not?" asked the center man. "Yes." "Do you feel you need assistance in completing this quest?" Tim thought a moment. "To fight and defeat the moogles, we need all the help that we can get. For they are numerous and devastating in their war." "Accept a challenge, and you will gain much honor," spoke the center man. "With the honor comes respect, and that respect will give you an advantage in your war. But the honor will aid you in your quest. Your quest is most dangerous. It will lead you to the greatest challenges. But you will overcome what you face and ultimately achieve the greatest victory and the greatest peace. If not, then you will leave Norland now." Tim took but a moment to answer. "Then I will accept the challenge." And now Tim stood ready to duel Ricca. Evan (I think is his name, I forgot the guy who is susposed to look like Elvis Presley) stood behind Tim, his breastplate shined up for the special occassion. He helped Tim into a padded leather shirt he was to wear in the duel. He then handed Tim the helmet. The "duel" was not to the death, but death was not uncommon. The purpose was to fight to the point of submission or incapcitation. To spar was to prepare for the duel. The duel could gain one much. Land, wealth, a bride. It could also leave one injured for life or even dead. Tim took his position at one side of the stone square that would serve as the dueling ground. Ricca stood on the opposite side. Melush stood in the center, holding two dull steel rapiers. This meant the fighting would be fast and intense, realized Tim. "Are you prepared for this duel?" asked Melush. Both men nodded. Ricca and Tim put on sparing helmets. They then advanced and took the offered hilt of the sword Melush held. Taking a step back, they saluted Melush, and each other, and stood at the ready. "Begin!" ordered Melush. Tim sat slumped down in a large wooden chair. About him in his battalion's camp, the men were happy and easy. A impromptu feast was being held for Tim's victory. Tim gingerly held a cup of wine with his right hand, the bandage and soreness making it difficult. Another bandage around his neck made it difficult to swallow. His open shirt revealed some more bandaging and a few bruises. Tim's left leg was splinted to help the knee heal. Jayel walked up to Tim and smiled. "How long did you say this duel lasted?" asked the leiutenant. "Too long," Tim croaked out softly. He sipped his wine, grimacing at the pain of swallowing. Evan strode forward and stood next to the chair. "They said the fight could leave the dueling square, but I was surprised at it leaving the courtyard itself. I hope they don't get mad at us for destroying that door. Jayel chuckled. "So that's why there were splinters in Tim's ass." Both men chuckled, Tim's glum expression not changing. "I just hope Tim gained us an ally, not an enemy," said Jayel. --Sky Subj: [ffml] [MW] The High Lord of All That Kicks Ass Date: 00-05-12 16:30:49 EDT From: (Sky Hall) Reply-to: To: Tim walked, with the help of a cane, into the throne room of palace of Norland. Tim looked about the great hall, it's high vaulted cieling had several windows that emitted sunlight that shone at crisscrossing angles and illuminated almost the entire room. Tim wondered if mirrors and crystals were used for this effect. Banners, war trophies, war standards, and even parts of animals hung on the walls and the pillars of the throne room. Along one wall, an entire dragon skin was hanging, almost touching one end of the throne room to the other, the scales glistening. Immediately around the skin were several bows, arrows, spears, and swords, indicating they must have been used to slay the beast. Tim guessed twenty or more men had taken the down the great wyrm. A few important men stood in the hall near the dais that held the king and the throne. Tim hobbled forward, Jayel at his side. The man who sat on the throne was middle-aged, younger then Melush, but looking equally as powerful. Tim had heard a rumor that the king had to claim the title of the throne from a duel with the other members of his family, sometimes even cousins if they were deemed worthy. A life of sitting and luxury had not dulled the power this man possessed. He had light brown hair combed back, revealing a high forward, and with a neatly trimmed beard. He wore a decorative tunic and coat of silk and velvet. Tim came to the foot of the dais and stiffly bowed to the king. The king arose and took a step forward. "I am Ryel, ruler of Norland, heir to Tholin, descendent of Bacca the Great, of Nore the Wise, and of Sabin the Mighty. On behalf of the kingdom of Norland, we greet you, Tim of Doma and see you as a worthy man in our court." Ryel extended his hand and shook with Tim. Tim bowed his head. "Your majesty, you do me great honor, and I thank you. I came here unsure of what to find, but see that a great and noble land exists, and praise you and your ancestors for creating such a splendid land." "Yes, Norland is a good place," said Ryel. "But you must never tell anyone of it, and ensure your men do the same. Norland has been able to live in peace and seclusion because we do not allow any to even glimpse it's splendor. You and your men were allowed here as it was foretold by the sages, and to see if you are worthy. The Sages and the Duel found you thus, and therefore we shall give you our aid." Ryel inclined his head to the side, and Ricca stepped forward, a large bruise visible on his cheek and his arm in a sling. He nodded his head. "Captain Ricca here has asked if he and a number of volunteers may join your command, Tim, and fight the moogles with you. Do you accept them?" Tim was visibly surpised. He looked at Ricca, he returned a confident look. "Aye, my lord. I do. Ricca is the greatest man I have fought, indeed I am surprised I was able to gain victory against him in our duel." "Ricca is a Lord of All That Kicks Ass," said Ricca. "He is not supposed to be beaten in combat, except by one of equal or greater standing." Ryel winked at Tim. Tim swallowed. "What you did," continued Ryel, "is prove yourself to Ricca and to several others. We were afraid that the nations of the world had grown weak and were not worthy of our support. For we keep in contact with the outside world, and know something of the Alliance Council. You coming to us was the sign we needed to show our support. "Long ago, Bacca left Norland, while his father was still alive, to fight the moogles. His father was sick and close to death, and he knew he should have stayed to claim the throne. But the moogle threat was great and he desired to help where he could. "He fought very hard, almost loosing his life on several occassions, and even the life of the woman he came to love." Ryel indicated a wakashi that hung on the wall. "Bacca returned to us... a changed man, but a better one. And he charged his descendants to keep vigilant of a new moogle threat. Now we see that threat, but were unsure of how to proceed. The sages spoke of one who would be able to help us. And you have come. "Therefore, Tim, I now charge you. You must defeat the moogles and win the safety of the human race. You must be cautious of who you choose as your allies, and certain of who are your enemies. You must not waste lives in vain, and not shirk from the call to battle. "Do you accept this charge? To fight to the conclusion or to your death?" Tim took in a breath and in a firm, commanding voice, as if a new presence had inhabited his body, spoke. "I do, my lord." "Very well," said Ryel. "I name unto you the title of 'Lord of All That Kicks Ass.' May you wear that title with honor and never tarnish it's name." Tim sat atop his chocobo, shifting a little uncomfortably in his new armor. It was a breastplate, with wire banded sleeves. The steel of the breast plate had a glassy look to it. The armor maker called it "Crystal Armor" and said it was enchanted to defend it's wearer, and even protect against certain ailments. It also granted the wearer a feeling of strength and power. Tim could feel it, as well as his body adjusting to the awkward feelings. Next to him rode Jayel and Ricca. Ricca sat on his mountain chocobo. The larger bird intimidated the smaller yellow chocobos of Tim and Jayel. The column of Tim's battalion was marching through a pass to leave the valley of Norland. Tim and his companions were at a summit, overlooking the valley. "It is indeed beautiful," said Jayel. "Aye, it is," replied Ricca. "I hope to see it again some day." "You speak as a man that sees his death coming," said Jayel, studying the man. "I do not see my death, but my life," said Ricca, "out there, waiting for me to claim it. In fact, all of my men and I see that. We journey with Tim not only to gain glory and freedom for the countries of the Alliance, but also to return here and be men. Norland is life. If we achieve victory, we will return to Norland and live happy lives, knowing we have claimed them." "We shall all achieve great things," said Tim. "Life, glory, freedom. And more. When finished, everyone shall know our names and honor them. For we shall be the saviors of the human race." Jayel and Ricca looked at Tim, then at the fifty dragons which flew overhead. Raidant green scales shown as the dragons flew over head, their human riders giving a cheer to those below. The dragon riders were now going to get their first taste of battle, along with the one hundred Norland soldiers. Tim and Jayel had thought to call Norland soldiers rangers, as their forestry skills were the best. They could travel fast and light, and each were easily a match for any opponent they faced, as the Norlandese displayed intelligence and battle skill. Tim was certain that the one hundred rangers could easily take on a thousand foot soldiers and come out with a few casualties. Tim realized that in a weeks time, he had doubled his fighting force. Now it was time to march to South Figaro, meet with Cyan, and begin the next cycle of the war against the moogle horde. --Sky Subj: [ffml] [MW] Tim Arrives at South Figaro Date: 00-05-25 16:55:47 EDT From: (Sky Hall) Reply-to: To: The sun was setting in the west and the battalion was settling down into camp. Tim hiked up a ridge and from the top, sat upon a large stone and surveyed the terrain. Tim's battalion had dug a moat and palisade as their camp defense and within the large earthern square, tents were erected, as well as pens for the animals, and one corner as a resting space for the dragons from Norland. Tim marveled at his situation. He had gone to Shadowbrook as a debt to Martin, and saved his people. It was unfortunate he had lost Martin in a battle against the Dark forces there... Tim could not recall what had happened next, but he knew that soon after they wandered and found Norland. Through a challenge of arms, Tim had defeated one of Norland's champions, Ricca, and because of that, gained the services of one hundred Norlandese rangers, and fifty dragon riders. In the few weeks they had traveled south, out of hte mountains, through the desert of Figaro, and now into the mountains north of South Figaro, Tim was able to see what kind of forces the Norlandese were proving themselves as. The rangers had great knowledge of tracking and wilderness survival. Also, displaying their absolute skill in warfare. Three rangers had come upon a pack of wild beasts, and without a second thought, charged. They felled six of the animals with arrows, then impaled another three with their spears, finally dispatching the rest with swords. Riders and chocoboes came through unscathed. The power the Norlandese held was awesome. The dragons were equally awesome, but ten times more fearful. It was difficult to come close to the large beasts, the Doma soldiers had their fair share of stories to make them fear. Even Tim knew of the destructive power of such beasts, but he was not afriad, and would often walk up to the dragons, even unattended, and pet them and soothe them when they were agitated by the goings on in the camp. All would marvel at the ability of a man able to manage a beast fifteen times his own size. Tim looked south from his ridge and could see the lights coming on in the coastal town of South Figaro. In another day, Tim and his men would be there, and then Tim would have to face his superiors, even Lord Cyan. But he was unafraid. He had his command, took initiative, served his country, served the Alliance, and served the war effort against the moogles. And Tim was ready to carry the fight to the moogles even if Cyan and the generals objected. Tim had gained the right to command by his duel and earning the rank of Lord of All That Kicks Ass. Tim, the fifty dragons, and his six hundred men were ready to fight the moogles. -- Sky Subj: [ffml] [MW] Unsure Surprises Date: 00-06-01 13:50:36 EDT From: (Sky Hall) Reply-to: To: Everyone stared at the new comers. Just outside of South Figaro, the Doman army had built a military camp. Dry moats, earthern walls, and even wooden bridges that could be partially dismantled during attacks to prevent infiltration made up the large earthern square. Inside the camp, close to five thousand men had made thier home. Tents, shacks, stables, forges, and other accoutrements of a military base were erected everywhere. But at that moment, all eyes were turned to Captain Tim of the Fifty-First Battalion. Behind him marched over five hundred men. Four hundred Doman soldiers, with one hundred Norland Rangers, and above flew fifty Norland Dragon Riders. Tim rode at the head of the column, Jayel to his right, Ricca to his left, and Evan to Ricca’s left. These three men made up Tim’s “council.” Many of the Doman soldiers marveled at the site of the men. Tim; tall, lanky, his short brown hair curling, his face displaying confidence, wisdom, energy. Jayel; close cut blond hair, muscular, a face that inspired confidence. Evan; burly, muscular, his black hair short, but his long sideburns making it look longer. And Ricca: rugged, fearsome looking, his shaggy brown hair dancing as he rode his mountain chocobo. Jayel and Ricca wore light steel breastplates and carried swords, Ricca also had a spear and bow and arrows. Evan wore steel plate armor, his helmet on his saddle horn. Tim wore diamond armor, the steel breastplate glistening with a sheen of glass. All of the men looked tired and worn, but ready. A short ways into camp, they were halted by a lieutenant. “Captain Tim?” asked the man, saluting. Tim returned the salute. “We are surprised you are here. We thought you would arrive three weeks ago.” Tim let a breath. “Yes, I was planning to be back by then as well. But some things came up. I need to speak to Command.” “Lord Cyan, General Lo Wang, and several of the colonels are in the command post now. I am sure they would want to see you right away.” The officer displayed a look of sadness and disdain at the same time. “It is that building over there,” he indicated. “Where shall my men stay?” asked Tim. “I’ll show them a place on the west side of camp,” answered the lieutenant. “We’ll also be needing a large pen for our special animals,” said Tim. He pointed upwards. The lieutenant followed with his eyes and saw the circling dragons above. “What the...?” asked the man in disbelief. “You’ll hear about it in due time, lieutenant,” said Tim. “I-I will see to it right away, sir,” stammered the officer. He immediately organized the men and set off. Tim and his council went to the command post. The men dismounted and went inside. An orderly showed them to main room. Inside, King Cyan of Doma stood surrounded by officers. General Wang, the only surviving general after the fall of Doma, looked very grim at the men that entered. Tim strode forward and stood before Cyan and Wang and saluted, followed by his men. “Captain Tim of the 51st Battalion reporting in, sir!” Wang gave a curt salut in return then exploded. “Explain yourself, Captain,” Wang almost spit the words out. “We sent word to you to march to South Figaro with your men five weeks ago. Where the devil have you been?!” Cyan matched the furious look of Wang in his eyes, but said nothing. “Sir, upon our march south, I was reminded of a debt I owed to my friend, Martin. We proceeded to his hometown of Shadowbrook.” Tim then related the story of the rescue of the inhabitants of Shadowbrook, and encountering the Dark Lord’s forces. “It was during the confrontation that Martin died. I lost five other men in the struggle. “After that, we were forced to flee into the mount-,” Tim stopped himself and looked at Ricca. The man returned a strong look. “We were forced to flee, and we came upon a patrol from Norland.” At mention of the name, all eyes shot to Tim, then to Ricca. “Norland? The home of Bacca, High Lord of All That Kicks Ass?” asked a colonel in the room. “Yes,” said Tim. “I am Ricca, Ranger Captain of Norland, Lord of All That Kicks Ass.” Ricca saluted. Everyone stared in wide-eyed amazement. “You mean to say...” began Wang, but stopped. He stared at Ricca and Tim. “Captain Tim,” spoke Cyan. “My Lord!” answered Tim. The noble looking man looked Tim and Ricca up and down. “Explain to us how this happened.” “Sir, if I may be so bold,” spoke Ricca. Cyan inclined his head. “For the safety and protection of Norland, we are all forbidden to give the location of Norland. It is the time honored tradition that Norland remain unknown as best as possible to the outside world. And to ensure that, our wizards used magic to wipe the memories of how to get to Norland from Captain Tim’s men.” “I had assumed as much,” said Tim. “The magic did not work as well on some of us, but we will keep our oath not to reveal the location of Norland upon pain of death.” Ricca nodded, then looked to Cyan. “I hope your majesty understands the orders and demands of my king, Lord Melush.” “We understand the oath and desire for secrecy and will not jeopardize that,” spoke the king. “Now, explain what happened. How is that Captain Ricca is here in this room today?” “Upon discovering Norland, I was able to have an audience with the king and to talk with others there. They have been monitoring the events of the recent war and have been hesitant on how to aid the alliance against the moogles.” Cyan nodded. “Captain Ricca, we are honored to have you here with us, and shall greatly appreciate your service and aid in combatting the moogle threat.” “It our honor to fight,” said Ricca. “And we hope that our help shall not be in vain. Captain Tim proved himself a worthy man for us to believe in.” Cyan nodded and looked at Tim. “You have done something amazing,” began Cyan. He paced the room. “How many men have you brought?” “One hundred Norlandese rangers and fifty Dragon Riders.” Cyan paced. Everyone was thinking the same thing. “And in your estimation, how good are these men, Captain Tim?” “Sir, the Norlandese rangers are very able men. Strong, skilled, fast. I would say each man is equal to five moogles. And definitely equal to a moogleboar in single combat.” “And the dragon riders?” “They have only ‘hunted’, sir. But they have taken on and defeated other dragons in combat. I would assume they could take on most of the mechs of the moogle army.” Cyan nodded, continuing to pace. “We have recently come into some good fortune and have a magitek factory of our own. We have a few magitek armors. In fact, more armors then pilots. But that should get better with time. “How did you manage to get us this boon, Tim?” Tim looked at Cyan, and swallowed. He then looked at Ricca. “Captain Tim proved himself in a duel,” answered Ricca. “Duel?” asked Wang. Tim quickly explained the nature of dueling in Norland and how he won esteem. Cyan stared at Tim. “That armor of yours must be covering a score of bandages.” “Aye sir, it is,” replied Tim. Several in the room chuckled. “Interesting,” said Cyan, musing on the story. “So Tim is now a Lord of All That Kicks Ass?” Cyan asked of himself. He continued to pace, then said, “You know Tim, in recent weeks, the morale of the troops has been low. It is not easy loosing one’s country and to be forced to sit idly in exile. The people are in sore spirits. “Many rumors have gone around, many things are being said. Lots of myths and legends are surfacing. In particular, a name and a title. Bacca, the High Lord of All That Kicks Ass. You could say the people are praying to him, as if he were a god, and hoping that he will come down and smite the moogles off the face of the earth. “Now, from the royal records, I know a different side of Bacca. He was good, very good. But not as great as the legends make him out to be. He could fight an army, but with help. And even then he would end up sorely injured. He came close to death several times in fighting the moogles. But her persevered and endured. “Tim, this is the legend, the power of Bacca. He was able to continue, to endure, to survive, to fight. He did not always win every fight he was in, but he was there, fighting, struggling. He did his best and was the last man out in every situation. He was also the first one in. He was a hero, someone that everyone could look to for leadership and support. “Tim, in the time you have served Doma, you have done something similar. You were accomodated for bravery and leadership in your first battle. You then gained renown for your company’s success in the Veldt Forest. And yours was the last Doman unit in Southvale. Now you have acquired the support of Norland.” Cyan stopped pacing and stared at Tim. “Tim if there was a prophecy about this war, I would say you are a fitting figure to fill it.” He continued to stare at Tim. The younger man grew uncomfortable under his gaze. “Captain Tim, how do you feel about fulfilling our own prophecy?” “Sir?” “Let’s not keep it a secret that Tim achieved the title of Lord of All That Kicks Ass,” said Cyan. “But do not announce it. Let it circulate through the ranks and through the Doman refugees. Tim, instruct your men to ‘brag’ about your success.” “Sir... I...” began Tim. “Wait,” said Cyan. He closed his eyes in thought. “Tim, every officer I ask about you says the same thing, that you train your men very well and prepare them for any and all difficulties and situations. In fact, casualties are always lightest in your command, because your men are better trained and prepared. “Since this is the case, starting tomorrow, you will be training units of men in preparation for our invasion of Doma. I think that being trained by the Lord of All That Kicks Ass would greatly inspire them.” “But sir, training men is not my strong point, I-” “You will be training our soldiers for the invasion, Captain,” said Cyan with vehemence. “And you will start tomorrow.” Tim shut his mouth and saluted. “Sir!” The assembled officers spoke a little longer, then dismissed Tim. Tim was exhausted after the long trip and the hours of debriefing and planning exhausted his brain as well. Luckily when he found his men, he found the mess up and running. Grabbing a bowl of stewl and a hunk of bread, Tim fed his ravenous hunger amidst a crowd of his men, who were a little surprised to see thier superior in such a state. After eating, Tim found his command tent and went inside. His valet was lounging, smoking on a pipe. But when Tim arrived, he jumped to attention. “How’d it go, sir?” Tim sighed in response. “I have to train the army tomorrow.” “How many soldiers sir?” “The entire army,” said Tim. The valet said nothing, but helped Tim remove his armor. Tim was lost in thought, running over plans and schemes of training the troops as he finally laid down on his cot and closed his eyes. He was soon asleep, but his dreams were full of men running around and being yelled at. --Sky