Subj: [ffml] [MW] Into the Heart of Darkness Date: 00-03-30 16:44:40 EST From: (Sky Hall) Reply-to: To: "This old man once told me this idea. He said that the God's, in a way, are like magicians. They can manipulate things using their own kind of magic. But magicians are human, gods are immortal. The other difference is that Gods can be anywhere at once, see anything they desire. Also, they need worshipers to give them power, or they receive power from their parents or children. "This power, or energy, is akin to magicians," continued Tim. "They use a lot of mental energy to make things happen, to change their shapes or the shapes of other things. Gods must use a lot of energy as well. Since the gods made us, we must be the furthest removed from the gods, and therefore, "not energy." I believe he called us matter. "In our lives, we can live in the world of "matter" or we can develop an interest, a passion, a pursuit, of "energy." You can desire to understand the gods. That is why a magician, if he is good, will pursue magic all his life, even prolonging his life to study it further and to become more powerful. While a good swordsman will practice with his sword everyday, as long as he can, because he loves the feel for it, understands it. You develop this desire to learn, to become something more. It is this drive that makes us want to become stronger. "The old man then went on about how a magician, getting better and better, becomes more intune with the world around him, and his body becomes more and more like energy. He begins loosing his matter, his body, and converting it to energy, because the magician discovers how to be like a god. The same goes for a warrior. If he trains and practices, and learns more and more, the warrior will become more and more like energy. His mind and body will be able to focus energy around him and from within and unleash that as you would an arrow from a bow." "Begging your pardon, sir," said a soldier. Tim's reverie was broken. The battalion had been marching through a valley, and Tim was talking with one of his acting lieutenants, sharing some philosophy on war. "But how can a good warrior be equal to a magician?" asked the soldier. "I mean, a good magic spell can fry a man before he even draws his sword." "Well," began Tim, "have you heard the stories of the great swordsmen of Doma?" "Yes," answered the soldier. "How about the monks of Figaro?" "Yessir, I have." "Well, I have seen a swordsman from Doma walk twenty paces away from a tree, face it, and slice with his sword in the direction of the tree. The man was nowhere near the tree, but it was cut in the exact way he sliced the air. I saw another swordsman drop a silk handkerchief onto his blade, and the fabric cut itself cleanly, simply from falling onto it. "I've seen a monk slap a large stone with his bare hand, and the stone cracked and split in two. I saw a man take a tree branch, as big as my fist in thickness, and break it against the neck of a monk. Another man bent a rapier in two, it's bare point against his belly. The man was not cut at all, but was able to bend the sword pushing against it. "When I asked these men how they were able to do these feats, they answered all the same, 'It's in the mind.' When I ask a magician how he is able to cast spells, he replies, 'It's all in the mind.' "A philosopher once said that our minds must have been created by the gods, thus making us different from animals, and thus able to comprehend the existence of the gods." Tim paused a moment, collecting his thoughts. "When in battle, if your mind is prepared and you are fighting heroically, you feel your mind go blank, almost. As if another force was taking over. Your movements become fluid, your mind races, everything takes on a new aspect. This is because in that state, your body and mind are connecting at a deeper level, and the energy within you is being ... moved faster, or accelerated. Your mind and body are becoming energy. "You get a rush from the battle, from the act of fighting, slaying, and defending. You are on the path to the gods." Tim looked at the ground, thoughtful. "And that's why dying in battle is a glorious thing," said the acting Lieutenant. Tim looked at the man and nodded. "I understand what that means," said the man. "I've felt it myself. It is as if my very being was trying to reach something, but physical exhaustion holds me back." "Aye," said Tim. "And to die in battle, is to have that energy released. It is not only your blood spilling forth, but your soul, that energy you spoke of. It seeks release and dying allows this. You are in pursuit of greatness, and the gods recognize this, and thus they grant unto the man almost divine powers, or feelings, in the midst of battle. Am I right sir?" Tim chuckled. "Your thinking is bordering on that of the god of war's disciples. But yes, that is a warrantable view of things." The man looked amazed at his own deductions in logic. Tim rode his chocobo forward to the vanguard. He asked his first lieutenat, "How's it going?" "Well, sir," replied Jayel. "I think we are nearly to Martin's home valley. The scouts spied a town from the pass ahead of us. But they say it's surrounded by a thick forest, and they have a bad feeling about it all." "Aye, that probably is Shadowbrook. And I know the feeling." Tim had taken notice of how dark and gloomy the environment around him was getting. Even with few clouds, the light of the sun did not shine as brightly, and the landscape was devoid of much life, just a few birds and squirrels, but Tim felt there was more sinister things laying in wait deeper within. "Let's keep the formation tight, and have skirmishers when traveling through the forest. I don't want to be surprised by anything." Tim turned his mount to summon Martin forward. Martin was returning home, but Tim was not sure what sort of welcoming reception he and his men would receive. --Sky Subj: [ffml] [MW] Shadowbrook Date: 00-03-31 02:06:37 EST From: (Sky Hall) Reply-to: To: (I know what I’m writing. Space, if you have questions/concerns, talk to me privately.) The screaming in the woods came again, a few soldiers ran in the direction of the sound, with swords raised and looks of determination on their faces. The path to Shadowbrook, Martin’s home, made its way through a thick forest that surrounded the farming lands of the village. The forest, however, was infested with the “Dark Baron’s” minions. Large lizards with powerful hind legs and short arms with sharp claws, and large fanged lined jaws; orcs and dark imps; and even wargs, large and ferocious wolves, were the “guardians” of the forest, keeping the inhabitants prisoner in their little valley. Because of the fear which surrounded the forest, the people had little incentive to leave, deciding to instead offer up a virgin woman every now and then (Martin thought it was one per generation). This left the guardians unorganized and overwhelmed for something as strong as six hundred soldiers, armed and battle hardened, that came marching through. The result was that every assault of one or two of these evil minions would be quickly engaged, overwhelmed, and eliminated. A few soldiers had been injured, no fatalities. Tim felt this “rescue mission” would be quite a success. A large, ape-like creature leapt from a tree and hit Tim with full force, knocking him clean off the saddled back of the chocobo. Tim hit the ground and rolled away from his attacker, his hand reaching for his dagger. As soon as he stopped rolling and lifted his body to see where his attacker was, the creature leaped at him again, knocking Tim flat on his back. Sharp claws dug into Tim’s arm, causing the soldier to grunt in pain. The man-ape grabbed Tim’s left hand which the dagger in both it’s powerful hands. Twisting Tim’s arm to try to loosen Tim’s grip. Tim was shocked at the strength the smaller creature had and began fearing the worse. But the creature stiffened and gave a startled, choking cry, then fell over, dying. Tim hurried to his feet and looked about. Martin stood next to Tim, wiping off his sword. “Tell me again how you managed to get through this forest,” demanded Tim. He examined his arm and saw blood staining the dark blue of his uniformed sleeve. “Medic!” called Tim. He did not want to catch an infection and die from such a small beast. While a lesser trained white mage hurried over and began treating Tim’s wound, Martin stood by and surveyed his surroundings. The column continued marching through the forest. “What can I say, sir, this place is hell. I just ran, was very quiet, and quite frankly had nothing to loose.” Tim sighed and shook his head. “Well, we’ll help your people get out of this place and help them to get to Narshe. Hopefully, none of them will mind leaving the Dark Baron’s land.” Martin nodded. “Thank you, sir.” Tim shrugged. “There are a lot of evils in this world. Taking out a smaller one like this Baron will hopefully lead to greater evils we can destroy.” Tim’s men made no secret their coming through the forest, and the screaming and dying guardians helped to ensure that. Tim was certain that by the time they finally made it out of the forest, they had killed or severely wounded every creature within the valley. Coming out of the forest, Tim’s column spread out and starting marching in separate lines along the dirt paths between the fields to the walled village of Shadowbrook. Tim surveyed the settlement. Surrounded by a low stone wall, with a wooden palisade atop that, the village was indeed poor. A few chimney’s poked above the wall and some smoke was coming forth. Several heads watched the Doman soldiers advance. Arriving on a lawn that surrounded the village, Tim dismounted his chocobo and gave the reigns to his valet. Martin also dismounted and approached the gate of the village. “Be not afriad. It’s me, Martin. I’ve come back! Mother! Father! Roland!” Tim watched as the gate opened and three people stepped out. They walked cautiously a few steps, Martin walking the rest. He spoke a few words with his family and they all embraced. They spoke a few more words and then Martin turned and beckoned Tim to join them. The family walked inside. “Jayel, pick five men and come with me inside. Masey,” Tim addressed another acting lieutenant, “you’re in charge. Have the battalion take up positions around this village, and just sit. I’m sure we won’t be attacked, but have the men keep an eye on the surrounding forest just in case.” Jayel and his five men joined Tim as he strode through the gate and into the village. Inside, Tim saw stone huts and old gray, log cabins. The few inhabitants outside or peeping through windows all appeared thin and scared looking. Jayel whispered to Tim, “This reminds me of the ghost stories my father told me as a child.” “I think we are in a real ghost story this time,” replied Tim. Jayel was shocked. Usually Tim was never surprised or afraid at any situation, but Shadowbrook was obviously a new experience for Tim. Tim and his men walked through the town and came to the square. There Martin, his family, and others were gathered in a small crowd, listening intently as Martin spoke loudly to them of his escape, finding Tim, joining the Doman Army, the war, and eventually how they came to Shadowbrook. By the time he finished, the entire village had gathered to listen. All stood in wonder and awe at Martin’s story. Martin looked to Tim, who strolled over to the high side of the town square and stood next to Martin. “Martin has told me much about kind of life you all live here. And I have decided that for those of you who wish it so, my men and I will help you to flee the Dark Baron’s clutches and escape to the city of Narshe to the east. There you will be free men and women in a city of industry.” The people stood shocked. One man spoke, “But our land and homes are here.” “Carry what you can with you, but do not fear. Narshe is a prosperous city, and I am sure can spare food, clothing, and shelter for good people such as yourselves.” “But what about the Dark Baron?” asked a woman. “Tonight, my men and I will attack the Dark Baron’s Keep. Any information and help you people can give us would benefit our mission greatly. For we are unsure of what lurks there. But you are all guaranteed safety.” The people looked at Tim. Martin smiled, his family seemed hopeful. “I think we broke the dark spell over this place,” Jayel muttered to Tim. (Eric, you can take it from here.) --Sky Date: 00-03-31 18:41:08 EST From: (His Dark Lordship) However, despite the confidence placed in the people by the sudden appearance of an army, none could give really yield any information to Tim and Martin about infiltrating the Dark Lord's keep. Tim's army, and those that Martin was able to explain the situation to, had given him the nickname "Dark Baron." While the townfolk knew what was happening, Tim and Martin especially didn't want to demoralize his soldiers (whom the term "Dark Lord" would instill immense amounts of fear) by telling them they were about to take on the supreme entity of all that troubles one's life. So, as the day broke, the term "Dark Baron" spread throughout the town. The people were, at least, confident that an army had shown up out of nowhere to save them from this desolate life, though the army had yet to prove itself. Supposedly the assault on the Black Keep would take place tonight, but Tim was finding it hard pressed to attain any information on the layout of the keep and was getting a bit frustrated. Tim slammed his tankard onto the tavern table. "What is with these people!?! Considering they've lived next to the Dark Lord for fucking centuries they should at least know something about him." "He keeps a rather low profile, except for holding total dominence over us.." grumbled Martin. "Excuse me." said a voice from behind them. They turned about. Both Tim and Martin stared. Before them stood the most beautiful woman they'd ever seen. Her body was covered in a long, black robe. Purple locks flowed down her shoulders and back. "Yes...?" asked Tim, trying not to stare or appear rude. "You're interested in entering the Dark Lord's keep?" she asked. Tim nodded. "Aye, but unfortunately the people of this kind town are rather uninformed about his place." She smiled. "There's little hope for them. None of those to leave for the keep have ever returned. I, on the other hand..." Tim and Martin edged closer. She stopped, with a rather silly grin. "I... have snuck into his keep on numerous occasions." "And how might we get in then, Miss..." "Wilma." said the woman. Tim and Martin nodded. "I'm Martin and this is Tim." She smiled. "A pleasure. Now, you're not going to get in by the front doors. The only people who pass through those are his servents and he himself. There is a back door that will be relatively easy to force open. He'll make sure of that." Tim and Martin blinked. "Excuse me?" "Nevermind." chuckled Wilma. "The back door is fairly hard to see. I can show it to you, but once you're inside, you're on your own. I have my own business in the keep." Tim and Martin sat back again. "Is it a deal?" They nodded. They would need this aide. * * * * * * * Tim, Martin and Wilma stood before the battalion. The Dark Baron's keep shone in the moonlight. The soldiers had been briefed. Wilma would show the entrance to Tim and several of the elite soldiers. The rest were to prove a distraction for the Dark Baron. They each mounted their chocobos. Tim raised his sword. The battle had commenced. (sky, take it from here) -- The eternal lord of darkness... "And if our dreams sometimes come true, then what of our nightmares?" -GM of FF2c -Member in good standing of Sky's Posse ICQ UIN# 23424269 IRC Nicks: TheDarkLord, GannondorfDragmire, occasionally Blackthorne System: Amiga 4000/040 Cybervision64 & Opalvision ---INTEL/MICROSOFT FREE---