[Warning: Graphic description of a bodily function.] Subj: [ffml] [MW] Border Wars: Raid Date: 00-01-16 17:19:21 EST From: skyhall@hotmail.com (Sky Hall) Reply-to: ffml@onelist.com To: ffml@onelist.com From: "Sky Hall" Tim ran up to Hisel’s command tent. "Is he in there?" asked Tim of the guard. "Aye sir," said the man. Tim nodded and entered through the flap. Hisel was sitting at a small table, reading a parchment. He looked up at Tim’s entrance. "Tim, my boy, how goes it?" asked the older man. "Not too good," said Tim. He told Hisel about the incident with Kat. "I think I just committed a major blunder." "I’d say," said Hisel. He stood up and began pacing the tent. "Well, I don’t have a great like of General Kat to begin with. For one, she’s a woman, and I’ve always had my suspicion of women being in the army. I mean, Amazons are great warriors, but in their society, they are men. In our society, women are women, and act and are treated as such. You can’t expect a woman to become a man over night. "As to what she’ll do, that’s hard to say. She was speaking out of turn about Princess Ladice, but you didn’t make yourself act too well with your response. She may punish you lightly, or send you into battle in a suicide mission, hoping to get rid of you." Tim sighed. "Maybe I should get out of here." "Maybe we both should," said Hisel. "The men and I are getting a little restless here. I want to go out and raid an enemy outpost." Hisel walked over and pulled out a map and laid it on the table. He indicated it to Tim. "If I could get your brigade to accompany me, Tim, we could do some serious damage," said the lieutenant. "As you see, the moogles have a rough line of outposts about two days march to the south. Each holds close to two hundred men. But fewer the further out you go." Hisel said, his fingers moving towards the east and west. "We could move to one of these outposts to the west, being covered by the trees along the way, and attack one of these outposts out there. I’m sure we could burn the thing down, maybe even kill everything in it." Tim looked and thought. "Sounds good. Can we get permission from the captain?" "I’m sure we could," said Hisel. "He want to accompany us." "Do you think that wise?" said Tim. "He’s a good man, but he might want to take the whole command and make this a bit harder." Hisel shrugged. "I’m sure I can convince him to let us go. You’ll follow my command, right?" Hisel grinned. "Of course, sir," said Tim. He grinned likewise. "Alright, let’s go." Atop a broad hill, a large wooden structure sat. It was surrounded by grass, and had a broad view of the surrounding countrside. At the base of the hill, a stream carved it’s way on the north, with a few dry washes. Across the stream, and a little over a mile away, a small stand of trees stood. The wall was made of earth and logs. On the ramparts, moogles patrolled, wielding crossbows and casually looking out now and then. As dawn came, the countryside brightened, and the shadows began disappearing. One of the moogles on the north side of the small fort, stopped a moment and looked out over the countryside. He stretched, then set his crossbow down and took his penis in his hands and aimed it out over the wall. He urinated, sending a stream out. As the liquid fell through the air, it struck the ground below, which was mostly dirt due to the trampling on by soldiers and workers. Near the splashing urine, Tim lay, against the wall, awaiting the time to strike. He jumped when the urine struck, and covered his face to protect himself from the splash. Tim shuddered. That night, Tim and Hisel had moved their men into position. In the stand of trees, no more then populars, they had placed two company’s of men. Another company was spread out in the small washes and other land formations which could hide men. A company had crawled up the hill and placed themselves at the base of the wall to the fort. The rest of the men hid in another stand of trees further away. These were Tim’s inexperienced brigade, and they would come riding as soon as the fighting started. Tim and Hisel’s sergeant major were at the fort, awaiting the time to attack, as well as every other good swordsman in the brigade. They would rush through the gate, if it opened, or scale the walls and open the gates from within. Finally, the stream of urine from above ended, and the moogle guard continued on his patrol. The sun was just beginning to crest the horizon when the gate opened, and two moogles came out, carrying a chamber pot between them. The moogles moved a few steps down the road and then to the side, to dump the contents off the side of the dirt path that had formed, but stopped when they spotted Tim. Tim had by this time stood up and drawn his sword and began advancing on the moogles. The two white furballs dropped the pot, it’s contents sloshing inside, and turned to run back to the gate, but another soldier came charging at them, his sword leveled. The moogles stopped, stunned at the predicament they were in. They did not notice that Tim was behind them and had slashed the two of them from behind. Tim’s sword slashed into their necks and the moogles fell. (DMX "What’s my Name") Keeping quiet, Tim indicated the gate, and the Doman soldiers followed him into the compound. Inside, two moogle guards stood by the gate, lounging, their short swords resting against the wall, micmicing what the moogles themselves were doing. One opened his bleary eyes and caught sight of Tim, and his small arm made a scramble for his sword. Tim reacted quickly, slicing down, severing the moogle’s arm, it’s hand still gripping the hilt of his short sword. The moogle screamed and dropped to his knees. Tim slashed again, slicing the throat of the white beast. A soldier also dispatched the other guard. The commotion raised was now evident. Shouts of inquiry were being raised about the fort. Tim stood his ground as the rest of the soldiers entered the compound. They formed a perimeter and began engaging moogles that were approaching. Tim stood in the center with the sergeant major. "Stay here and keep this gate open. I and one man will clear the walls." The sarge nodded and turned back to his work. Tim grabbed a man and instructed him to grab a shield. Tim did likewise and the two use the small step ladders beside the gate to quickly scale the walls. Tim and the soldier then began taking on the crossbow armed moogles. Tim watched the moogle that approached him. Since the ramparts were small, Tim knew he could not easily dodge the bolt. So he hoped that the small metal buckler would work. The moogle stopped and took aim. Tim watched and waited, the buckler before him. The moogle fired. As the bolt came at Tim, he reacted by deflecting the bolt away, using his buckler to push it away. The moogle grunted in consternation and dropped his crossbow, drawing his short sword. Tim advanced and engaged the moogle. Blocking the moogles sword strike, Tim followed through by swinging his sword low and catching the moogle in the midsection, Tim’s sharp blade slicing into it’s chest. The moogle jerked and clutched at it’s body, falling over to the outside of the fort. Tim took a quick look out and saw that the soldiers who had been hiding in the trees and crevasses below were now running at full speed to get to the fort. They would be there in another five minutes. Tim turned about and just missed a crossbolt that could have struck his chest. He spotted the moogle, who was at the corner of the walls. The moogle began reloading as Tim ran at the moogle. The small creature worked frantically as Tim’s menancing figure charged at full speed. The moogle loaded the bolt and brought up the crossbow, ready to fire, but Tim had his sword fully extended and it’s tip slipped into the crossbow, through the string and the bow, and turned the weapon to aim down. The moogle misfired, the bolt striking into the ground below, and causing Tim to loose his grip on the sword. The weapon flipped, the hilt striking the moogle in the head. The white creature dropped the crossbow and collapsed, clutching it’s head. Tim kicked the moogle in the chest, sending it flying up and over the wall. Tim looked about and saw another moogle charging at him with a crossbow, but saw that he had some time. Tim bent over and picked up his sword. He then began advancing on the moogle, shield forward. Meanwhile, the men around the gate were engaging more and more moogles. A wall was forming as the two forces established their lines. Tim had cleared the wall of all the moogles there, meeting up with the soldier. "Stay on the wall and keep the moogles from getting on here as best you can," Tim said to the man. "Don’t forget to get help from the gate." "Yes sir," said the soldier. Tim looked about and spotted an opportunity. A moogle boar was trotting near the wall, heading for the far gate. Tim ran along the ramparts, sheathing his sword and drawing his dagger. Tim threw the buckler in front of the moogleboar. As the item landed in front of the beast, it stopped, surprised. Tim leaped off the wall and came crashing down on the moogleboar, his dagger sinking into the shoulder of the beast. Tim made sure to avoid the spikes that protruded from the upper shoulders. The moogleboar screamed in terror as Tim’s dagger dug into it’s flesh, then ripped open a large hole. Blood began spurting forth. Tim fell off the moogleboar and managed to stand up and stagger back, his back against the wall. He watched as the moogleboar thrashed about, then spy him. Tim threw the blood-soaked dagger at the boar, it’s tip barely cutting the boars skin on the chest. Tim dashed to his left, away from the moogleboar. He began drawing his sword. The moogleboar had to turn completely around, and then started chasing after Tim. Quickly catching up, the moogleboar tackled Tim from behind, it’s spines digging into the hard leather armor on Tim’s back. Tim was pushed against the wall, the sword halfway out. The wind was knocked out of Tim and he stumbled, turning around and landing on his behind, his back to the wall. Luckily, his sword had been completely drawn. Looking around, Tim saw the moogleboar circle around and come charging at him. Tim tucked his legs in, and rolled aside. But not in time. One of the spines sliced his leg, but not majorly. The boar bounced off the wall lightly, turning to face Tim again. The boar took a moment to inspect Tim. Tim did likewise as he got to his feet. The shoulder of the boar was covered in blood, and spurts of the stuff was coming from the wound in a steady stream. The boar itself was breathing heavy and staggering slightly. The loss of blood getting to it. Tim raised his sword, and the boar took this as a sign to attack. Tim managed to step aside of the charge, but the sword point caught the muzzle of the boar, slicing along the face of the beast. The boar grunted and turned it’s head to look at Tim, but blindly crashed into one of the wooden buildings of the fortress. Though made of sturdy logs, the boar managed to dent the wood and leaves it’s mark there. The boar was breathing heavy, and it’s rear legs went out, making the boar go down to a squatting position. But the boar stood up again and began approaching Tim again. Tim saw the advantage and struck at the moogleboar, letting his sword cut into it’s neck. The boar gave a weak defense and started biting wildly in the air. Tim struck with his sword again, the boar biting it’s sharp blade. Tim struck again, again into the neck. The resulting wounds was enough. The boar collapsed and struggled, but Tim knew it’s time was near an end. Tim looked about and saw moogles running about everywhere. He headed back in the direction of the gate. After the rest of the brigade had arrived, the work was quickly over. The moogles not engaging in battle tried to fight, but the Doman soldiers began firing buildings and the resulting confusion caused many moogles to turn and run, fleeing back to the moogles main base. Close to a hundred moogles and boars had been slain and the outpost burned to the ground. Before celebrating their victory, Tim and Hisel’s brigades quickly made their way out and back to Southvale. They encountered a few moogle patrols, but managed to annihilate them. --Sky