Subj:	 [ffml] [MW] Attack of the Yellow Tulip Magician
Date:	99-02-04 22:52:47 EST
From: (Patrick Szostak)

From: Patrick Szostak 

NOTE: Since most of the writers of the main characters are long gone, I
thought I might introduce a new villain for the time being.

	While a whole lot of nothing was going on in the MW (since both sides
lost most of their lead characters' authors in the Great Unsubbing) a
somewhat evil character was watching the inactivity.  Well, he wasn't
really evil, but old people on his neighborhood used to call him "no
good" when he was growing up, and his mother never said that she loved
him, so he had some deep psychological problems as well.  But the point
is that he was watching.

Mildly Evil Guy: [staring into a crystal] Hmm...not much going on down
there...say!  What's all that commotion in the forest?


Mildy Evil Wizard: Hmm...that was awfully mysterious...I don't quite know
WHAT to make of it.

Evil General Type Guy: Yellow Tulip Magician!  What have you seen?

Yellow Tulip Magician: Well, General Goofypants, I haven't seen anything
for a while.  But now there's some kind of stuff going on in the forest. 
But it's really vague and mysterious....even *I* don't know what to make
of it...

General Goofypants: Another mysterious occurrence, eh?

YTM: Yes, General.  And it seems that this Spacecat character was
involved in this one as well.

Goofypants: Again with the Spacecat?!  I don't know what's going on with
this guy!  We'd better track him down and make him explain himself. 
Having someone as mysterious as him around unnerves me...

YTM: General Goofypants, allow me to personally find this Spacecat and
learn what he knows!  Surely you know of no one more powerful or
intelligent than I!  Or more handsome for that manner...and charming, I'm
quite charming...and well read...and--

Goofypants: Very well, go capture him and bring him here.  I think I
would like to have a talk with him...

YTM: Don't worry, General, I won't let you down! (mumbling) Now, how does
that Warp spell work again...?

**********Brave Fencer Pat**********

Date:	99-02-05 13:23:25 EST

Lorinan was walking through the forest, looking for some new items for his
mixes, when a funny looking man appeared before him.

L:  Hey!  Watch where you're materializing!"

YTM:  Who are you?"

L:  "I'm Lorinan, the master Barchemist.  Who are you?"

YTM:  "I'm the Yellow Tulip Magician.  I have come for Spacecat.  Tell me of
his whereabouts."

L:  "For one thing, I'm not mixed up with that brat Spacecat, or his bunch of
grimps.  I mean, who on earth would think the Beastie Boys could actually
fight?  Second, Never order me to do anything.  What's your purpose of finding

YTM:  "I need him to answer my questions that I have for him concerning
hisshady behavior.  Now tell me where he is!"

L:  "Oh brother.  Are you another of these evil magicians looking to conquer
the world?  Get real.  That style went out with the moogles.  You need to
learn some style if you're gonna survive in this world.  I may as well send
you to Space, since he at least does have some style...  Here you go..  Just
stand still."

Lorinan began mixing some items and chanting a song.  Suddenly, the Yellow
Tulip Magician felt like he was floating on air.  He looked around him, and
discovered that he WAS floating on air.  He was high above the trees, and
moving at an extraordinary pace.

Lorinan looked at him take of, and commented, "I hope he realizes that I sent
him to the arctic before he gets there.  I'd hate for him to freeze to death.
It's been kinda boring around here lately..."

Master Barchemist and all around mixed up guy...