Subj: [ffml] [HD] War was beginning Date: 01-02-20 01:11:11 EST From: (Hiryuu) Reply-to: To:, The outlying farmlands of Norland are kept under strict patrol by an elite group of highly specialized scouts. They move quickly and silently, never seen unless they want to be. Their highly tuned senses can identify threats or anything out of the ordinary, and quickly return to report it. Their main duty is to prevent knowledge of Norlands location to escape by any means. One such scout was taking a well known route along the eastern border of Norland's limits. The scout encountered a favored stream, and dismounted his standard issue yellow chocobo to take a drink. His attention was caught by a low buzzing noise, somewhere off in the distance. He looked in the direction the sound seemed to be eminating from, but could spot nothing. Quickly mounting the slighty nervous chocobo, he made for a higher vantage point where he could get a better view. On top of a knoll, he wheeled the chocobo about, the buzzing was growing deafening. Then he looked up. A red ship cut across the sky, several spinning propellors jutted out of the top. It passed directly over him, the sound of its engines droned lower in pitch due to doppler effect. The scout stood dumbfounded for a few seconds, before he realized the airship was headed directly for Norland. He kicked the chocobo into a quick gallop following the jetstream that scarred the sky. On the first pass the redwing dropped its incendary bombs in a wide zigzag pattern. They devestated the city and reduced buildings to rubble. People paniced and were in a frenzy to seek some sort of shelter from the death from above. The once magestic streets of Norland were filled with fire and destruction, people pinned beneath collapsed structured cried for assistance. Then the monsters came. They tore through the city, unimaginable horrors that lashed out at anyone so unfortunate to be caught in their path. The Norland army who were busy dealing with the attacks from above were caught off guard by this new threat, and were being slaughtered before they could reform into a adequate defense line. King Semite surveyed the destruction from a terrace overlooking the city. The guard had given up on the city and were pulling in for a last stand within the castle. He turned to Frioniel, who stood mutely next to him. "What happen?" Frioniel shook his head. His beloved country was in flames. He could think of nothing to say. All this time the army had been training for this day, and they are attacked by an airborne enemy they can't even touch. "Somebody set us up the bomb." The ship hovered over the castle courtyard for a moment, before touching down. Monsters rushed out of it and into the castle. Frioniel could hear the battle below, and the screams of the castle maids. A flare shot out of the airship, signalling the other monsters that they had breached the castle. Hiryuu swung and easily decapitated the pathetic peasent who was attempting to fight him. Similar destruction was being wrought by the monsters in the chaos around him. He looked up in the smoke stained sky to see the glowing star fading in the distance, and smirked. "We get signal!" the monsters howled and charged for the castle. "What!" Nera screamed at the news. She couldn't believe this could be happening to the invincible country of Norland. The soldier was attempting to coerse her into taking shelter beneath the castle, but she would be damned if she would let herself be captured again. She grabbed a nearby sword attached to the wall for decoration and ran towards the sound of battle in the throne room. Golbez sat in the cockpit of the red wing watching the progress of his assault on Norland. He laughed and drove a dagger into the map on the table, directly on a point with the word FORCE etched beneath it. "Main screen turn on." he commanded a monster to his right. The tearful reunion was about to begin, he didn't want to miss it. Semite, Frioniel, Nera, and a few guards had been pressed back by the the overwhelming monster hoard. They were forced to make a last stand in the hidden crystal room behind the throne. The crystal of force shimmered with its own internal light as it rotated above its dias. Hiryuu strode in the room to recieve several stares. Frioniel was the first to speak. "It's you!" Hiryuu bowed. "How are you gentlemen!!" Nera was overjoyed. Hiryuu had come back! surely he would help them defend Norland, he was the Lord Of All That Kicks Ass! Her hope turned to confusion as Hiryuu knocked Frioniel over and ran up to the crystal, grasping it. He turned to the confused looks and spoke. "All your crystal are belong to us." He gestured to the destroyed city of Norland visible through the window. "You are on the path to destruction." "What you say!!" Semite roared. He was beyond belief that the lord of all that kicks ass would turn his back on Norland and would go so far as to ally against them. He was about to ask Hiryuu why he would do such a thing when Hiryuu lept over him towards the door. Hiryuu held the crystal triumphantly in the air. "You have no chance to survive, make your time. Ha ha ha ha...." and then he was gone. The scout ran into the castle and beheld the horrible site. Bodies of man and monster alike littered the ground. He heard a loud whoosh behind him and turned to see the airship taking flight and quickly dissapearing into the distance. After searching the castle for survivors he stumbled upon the crystal room, and was relieved to see the King and Princess still alive. Frioniel was just getting to his feet, and called him over. The scout saluted him. "Captain!!" Frioniel knew the crystal, the greatest treasure in Norland, had been taken by its own Lord Of All That Kicks Ass. They needed to get it back, at any cost. But to breach the airship, they would need the ability of flight as well. It was then he remembered the legendary Norlandese dragon riders used in the last Moogle War. They still had a few who men were trained in the skill at the barracks, although dragon riding had become more cerimonial than a real instrument of war. They were reffered to as "Zigs", because of the patterns the dragons made in the sky during battle. He quickly made his way to the dragon stables were a handful of dragons and their riders were sure enough getting equipped and preparing to counter the aerial assault. They saluted Frioniel when he arrived, which he returned. He informed them of the crystals theft, and gave them the order to go retrieve it. The large double hanger doors slowly opened as the now mounted zigs waited impatiently to take flight. Frioniel held his sword aloft as they began flapping their wings and taking flight. "Take off every Zig! You know what you doing." He watched the forms of the Zigs retreat into the distance above the ruins of Norland. "Move, Zig. For great justice." -- Hiryuu oft times Akuryuu Subj: [ffml] [HD] Da Flyin' Ork Date: 01-02-20 21:12:40 EST From: (His Dark Lordship) Reply-to: To: (ffml), (Hillion Dynasty) "Aaaaaaahhhhh...." groaned Drugga as he relieved himself on the statue of Bacca as Norland slowly set to flames. "We came here in the first place just so you could do THIS?" grumbled Nicotron Z. "Yup. Now weez iz in a bettah pasitun ta get ta 'illion den evah 'fore." "You have a point there." After the fight with Hiryuu, Drugga and Nicotron Z were abducted by Golbez for questioning. But the burly Ork proved to be too much for most of Golbez' guards and Golbez, seeing the raw power in these two, asked them to join him in his cause; which they apparantly did. "Oi, weez 'ad bettah get back to da ership." Nicotron Z nodded. * * * * * * * * As the Red Wing soared in the Sky, Golbez fingered the Crystal of Force in his hands. "Well done, Hiryuu." "Thank you master." "As for you, DRugga and Nicotron Z, all you did was piss on a statue and rape a cow." "*AHEM* DRugga was the one who pissed on the statue and raped the cow; I just made sure no one jabbed him in the back." "Mmmmmhmmmm..." grumbled Golbez. "You know, you two said you were going to HELP me reach Hillion." "Oi, weez probably could. Wozn't my fault yooz ended da fight 'fore I got dun ma personul business." Golbez muttered something under his breath. "Ahh, Master?" muttered a young monster in a blue cloak. "A bunch of the Norlanders are following on dragons." "Large dragons?" "No, but they probably could hurt the Red Wing." "Oi! Let uz take car uv it!" Golbez just stared at Drugga. "And just what the hell do you plan to do?" "Yooz 'ave doz air scoota thingiez, roight?" "You don't know how to drive them." "Ah'll figure it out. C'mon Z!" "How did I get involved in this?" growled Nicotron Z as he strolled to one of the smaller, more dynamic airships. "Awright!" Drugga grabbed a bomber cap and pulled it over his head. "Letz rawk 'diz 'ouse." "Yes..." grumbled Nicotron Z as he scanned the ship to understand it's control scheme. Drugga just hit a lever and his scooter detached. Nicotron Z make a robotic sigh and took off after him. * * * * * * "Sir, the airship seems to have launched a counter offensive." "Meet them!" A loadspeaker was heard over the various noises. "AWROIGHT YOOZ NORLY MUTHAFUKKAZ, TURN YOOZ DRAGUNZ ROUND ER WEEZ IZ GUNNA ASSFUCK YOOZ TO DA NEXT CENTURY!" "It's the Ork..." swore the comander. "He must have some connection to Hiryuu's betrayal! I WANT HIM ALIVE!" "Yes sir!" yelled the other four dragon riders. "I have the other one!" yelled Biggs. Biggs swung his dragon down underneath Nicotron Z's scooter, and tried to get a flame breath upwards to incinerate it. However, Nicotron Z turned his scooter over and dropped some of his missiles at him. "AAAAAAH" screamed Biggs as he ceased to exist. "BIGGS!" yelled the Captain. A small Monkey behind the captain shreeked. "Alright you motherfuckers, let's dance." chuckled Nicotron Z as he fired off two shots at a dragon. "Watch out Wedge, there's something coming up behind you!" "I can't shake it!" "Hold on Wedge, I'm coming in!" "Stay on Target!" "Wedge, the Ork's right behind you!" "AUUUUUUUUGH!" "Sukka." chuckled Drugga as he flew through the floating remains. On the deck of the Red Wing, Golbez observed the dogfight. "Prepare my scooter." he said to Hiryuu. A few moments later, Golbez' custom Scooter was flying towards the fight. "If we hit the engine of the airship, it'll blow." "Three guys behind us!" "Stay on target!" "I can't shake the fire!" "STAY ON TARGET!" "AUUUUGH!" One of the dragons took a cannonball to the gut and went down. "Vicks!" "Captain!" "Stay on target!" "Yes sir-AUUUUUUUGH!" "Sukka." laughed Drugga. "I'm close. 100 metres.... 90 metres." The captain's monkey screamed. "I've LOST ARET00!" "Sucker." chuckled Nicotron Z. "Fifty metres... fourty metres..." Suddenly a voice was heard. "Use the force." Suddenly, Golbez let a laser blast hit the dragon and he went down. "Fools." The three scooters returned to the Red Wing. -- The eternal lord of darkness... "And if our dreams sometimes come true, then what of our nightmares?" -The undisputed Master of Final Fantasy 2 -GM of FF2c -Lord of the FFML ICQ UIN# 23424269 IRC Nicks: TheDarkLord, GannondorfDragmire, occasionally Blackthorne System: Amiga 4000/040 Cybervision64 & Opalvision ---INTEL/MICROSOFT FREE---