Subj: [ffml] [HD] Nightmares Go Away Date: 01-02-03 23:18:14 EST From: (Jaymie DelaCruz) Reply-to: To: Sorry this is a very long one! But well...I hope it's ok. I've actually split it into two, so the next part will be right after this. Toodles! ****** "Let's have a taste before killing her..." "I get first dibs, I'm the biggest! "Just don't let HIM know..or he'll be mad..." "What 'e don't know won't hurt us...just keep it quiet..." Echoes. Endless echoes of men. Men laughing...their voices filled with malice and lust.. Rough hands pawing me, making me feel so dirty and ashamed... A soft voice, so kind and soothing...Mother? "Listen carefully, my darling. Sex is meant to be between two people who love each other. Be it lovers or friends. To give and be given at the same time. That is the most magical and powerul spell I can give you." But...I don't love these men. Why are they touching me?? Mother? MOTHER?!?!?! Hands, rough and calloused, all over me... So many of them, too many to control...why won't they leave me alone?!?! My power doesn't work... THIS ISN'T THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE! Not... the... way... Pyxie awoke with a start, frantically gasping for air as sobs racked through her body. Arms gently wrapped around her, holding her tight while a hand smoothed her sweaty hair off her face. "Hush, mistress. Everything's ok now. I'll never let you out of my sight again." Hearing the deep rumble of a man's voice, Pyxie let out a scream and jerked away, curling into a protective ball at the edge of the bed. "Don't touch me!!!" "What the hell is goin' on? What've you done now Pokes??!?! Mistress, are you ok?" Two men came into view, both of them shorter than Pokey but more muscular. Their worried and kind eyes didn't register to Pyxie as she only saw their rough appearance. She shimmied off the bed and crawled to the corner of the room, trying not to whimper in panic. "S-stay away from me, you perverted scums!!! Keep your filthy hands off me!!!! Don't get any closer or..or.." Pyxie hiccuped in mid- sentence. Her mind was gradually clearing from her nightmare and her sobs calmed down a bit. "Pyx? Please, tell us what's wrong. We promise to make it all better, just tell us." The three warriors stood just a couple of feet away from the huddling form, their usually powerful bodies slumped in defeat at their helplesness. "Those bastards! I wish Arc had left us a few to beat their worthless lives to death!" Hortian slammed his fist onto the table, his whole body shaking with anger. Seeing Pyxie flinch at the sudden movement, Pokey placed a hand on Hortian's shoulders to calm him. "Mistress, it's us. Bix, Pokey and Hortian. There's no need to be afraid of us." Uncaring as to how vulnerable he may look at the moment, Bix slowly stretched out a hand towards Pyxie, his voice pleading for her to recognize him. Pyxie looked from the corner of her eyes at the form approaching her. She blinked a couple of times to focus her eyes and squinted. Bix's red goatee and rumpled hair came into view. " that really you?" "You bet you're adorable tush it's me!" "Hortian? And...Pokey!" The men all heaved a sigh of relief. It looks like their mistress was finally waking up. But her initial reaction still shook them. Never had Pyxie ever raised a voice in true anger or hatred towards them. They all knelt around her, hugging her with enthusiasm. When she yelped from being suffocated, they all mummbled their sorries and gave her space to breath. "You sure gave us a scare, little one." Hortian lightly chucked Pyxie under the chin. "Yea!" Bix eagerly joined in. "First we hear you're kidnapped, then before we can even save ya, Arc does it." Pyxie smiled weakly at the twins, glad to have eased their worries. She turned to Pokey, who had kept silent throughout the rejoicing. "Pokey? Why so glum?" The tall man bowed his head, his fists balled up tight on his lap. "I failed in protecting you, Pyx." He said quietly. Pyxie placed a finger on his forehead, treasuring the pressence of this man she loved as a mate. "You did your best, did you not? In trying to protect me?" "Well, yes I did. I would have died if they would let me." "Shhh, don't say such things." Pyxie scolded. Despite the aweful event she had gone through, never would she allow her precious family to place guilt amongst themselves. Her voice broke as a tear slipped down her cheek. Irritated, she wiped it away with a flick of a finger. Taking a deep breath, she sat up straighter and looked at each of her men. "You are my family. Just as I would fight to the death for you, I know you will for me." She smiled at each of them. "But if there ever is a chance for you to live, then do so. For knowing your life was taken in place of mine will tear me apart!" Hortian, Bix and Pokey bowed their heads, listening to her confusing words but hiding their rebelious thoughts from her. For despite her foolish order, they WOULD die for her sake, no matter what. "Hey!" came a voice from outside the bedroom. "Is it ok for me to come in? No group orgies in there without me I hope!" At the knock on the door, the twins jumped to their feet and posed in manly positions accross the room. Hortian propped against one wall sharpening his axe, while Bix stood on the other side swigging his beer. The door flew open and a strange purple cat appeared. It sauntered into the room and nimbly jumped into an even stranger moogleboar contraption. Pokey helped Pyxie to her feet and made the introductions. "Mistress, this is Cait Sith." Pyxie bobbed a curtsey, almost losing her balance when her vision wavered. Pokey kept a steady hand on her elbow to keep her from falling. "How do you do, Mr. Cait Sith." Pyxie gestured towards her body in apology. "Sorry for my disheveled appearance." Pyxie blinked in innocence as the cat openly oggled her barely hidden endowements. Pokey grunted in irritation and quickly covered her with another blanket. "Ahem, well now..." Cait Sith waved his tail in dissmisal. "No need for the Mister. Caith Sith will do just fine. Now you need to rest while we plan some things out." While the men gathered around the table and kept their voices low, Pyxie went back to bed and brooded. [This is so strange. Arcy saved me...but I don't remember it. All I remember was following those Gyro Bandits into the forest so they'd leave Pokey alone. Stupid me.] Pyxie turned on her side and punched her pillow. She glanced quickly at the guys, but they seemed preocuppied with their discussion. With a sigh she focused on the shadows upon the wall, dancing their hypnotizing moves. [Foolish to have thought I could control so many at one time. I did get a few to defend me, but those just ended up being ruthlessly killed by their own so-called friends. What barbarians! And the attempt to rape me...] Fury welled throughout her body. She knew that men could be sick, but to actually have been in their company for such a long left a deep hurting scar to the soul. [Maybe that's where this feeling is coming from. This tightly knotted ribbon I feel in my being. I wonder...should this knot unfold...will the helplessness and insanity I felt come back to me? The anger and hatred?] Her purple eyes turned a somber gray as she thought about seeing her men's hurtful looks. How could she have said such painful things to them, the ones she loved and cherished? What had gotten into her?!?! Something tickled the back of her mind and Pyxie swiftly reached out to grab it. Who knows, like most things important it might fly away and never be remembered. "WHERE'S RYDIA?!?!?!?!?!?" Subj: [ffml] [HD] Pyxie vs Caith Sith Date: 01-02-03 23:18:28 EST From: (Jaymie DelaCruz) Reply-to: To: "WHERE'S RYDIA?!?!?!?!?!?" A collective yelp filled the room at her sudden outburst. They all turned to her with a "huh" look on their faces and shrugged. Pyxie bounded off the bed and placed her hands on her hips. "Ry, where is she? How come she's not here??" she demanded sternly. "Er...umm....actually..." "Ya know, I really can't say...ask Pokey." Pyxie arched a questioning eyebrow and turned to him. "The last I saw her, she snuck out after Arcanis went to look for Lia." "And she hasn't come back?" Pyxie bit her lip in worry. If anything happened to Rydia, she'd turn every rock and building in this blasted town to find her. "Hot damn!" Hortian whapped his forhead. "We've been so worried about you that we didn't really take notice." Seeing the agitated look on her face, Bix volunteered to go in search for her. After he had left, Cait Sith continued to discuss their plans on heading back to the AGSOSA harem ASAP. "Hello? I don't THINK so!" Pyxie stomped over to the mooglebore and boxed it on the nose. "We are not leaving without Rydia." "In case you didn't notice, you're still recovering from an assassin attempt." Cait Sith looked down and stared unblinkingly at the glaring girl. "Attempt. That's exactly what it was. Now that it's over, there's really no rush." "We are going back to your harem, and that is THAT.' "That is NOT THAT!" "Yes it is." "No it ain't!" "Yes it is." "Don't you dare talk back to me you impudent catnip!!" Pyxie stomped her foot, sparks of irritation bouncing off her causing Hortian and Pokey to back away. When their mistress is in a snit, it's better to let the target handle her by him or herself. The moogleboar loomed over the girl. Before full out mini-war could be waged in the tiny hotel room, Bix timely interruped with a report that he couldn't find Rydia. Pyxie groand and slumped on the bed. "We have to find her. You may have let me get taken by those ruffians, but I won't let you guys leave little Rydia out there on her own! YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!" Pokey, Bix and Hortian nodded their heads eagerly. This slight temper of hers was a relief compared to her reaction when she had woken up. "Unfortunately we can't do that." All eyes turned to Caith Sith, one of them a very deadly silver. "She knows her way back home, correct?" "Well, yes. So what?" Pyxie pouted and kept on glaring at the persinicky cat. "And I'm sure, like her mistress, she knows how to get out of tight situations and take care of herself." "Of course. I taught her myself! But that has nothing to do with this." "Well then, she's ok. Our main concern is to get you back home right away and figure out who was trying to assassinate you. That person just might try and do it again, and this time...successfully." Pyxie wanted to argue some more. But all of a sudden, her men rebelled against her and agreed to Cait Sith's suggestion. "Pyxie," she turned towards Pokey. He for sure would side with her. "I think the cat has a point. It won't help Rydia at all if you end up dead. How else would you save her?" *THUD* Pyxie shut her gaping mouth, trying to think of ways to bonk some sense into Pokey. After a few minutes of silence, she bowed her head in assent. "Ok ok. I can see how that could be a problem." She turned her back to the group, looking desolately out the window. The night was moonless, the streets a morbid black hole. "We'll leave early in the morning. But once we get home we send out a search party. Agreed?!" They all yelled their cooperation. And so the party split up and settled down for the remaining of the night. Pyxie stayed by the window a few moments more, her eyes closed as she felt a strange realization in her heart. Rydia was far away but no harm had come to her. Somehow, she knew that. And it eased her worries a tad bit. But how does she know these things? [Oh Ry, please be careful. Wherever you are, come back home safe!] Subj: Re: [ffml] [HD] Pyxie vs Cait Sith Date: 01-02-04 15:38:10 EST From: A knock was heard. "Who is it?" said Pokey. "It's me, Junior," said a voice on the other side. Pokey opened the door, and in walked a tall, slender moogle with long brown hair, wearing peasent garb. "Who's that?" Pyxie said to Pokey. "His name is Junior. He took care of Gage after he ran away." "Ran away?!" said Pyxie, "If he were here right now, I'd scold him! Where is he now, anyway?" "He went off with Arcanis, Lia, and their companions," said Hortian, "I'm sure he'll be fine with his own streetsmarts, and that powerful esper there to protect him." "Okay," Pyxie nodded, "Anyway, Mr. Junior, thank you for watching out for Gage." She shook his hand. "Oh, no problem, Mistress, I enjoyed it, for the most part." "I know how he can be a handful!" Pyxie laughed. Junior chuckled at the understatement. "I'm glad to see that you are doing better now, Mistress. Now that you have recovered, where are you going next?" "We're going back to the harem," said Cait Sith. "Would you mind if I accompanied you?" said Junior, "I would like to help protect you for any further attempts on your life, and I would like to see what this whole harem thing is about." "Sure," said Pyxie, "The more, the merrier. Besides, you're kinda cute!" Junior blushed.