Subj: [ffml] [HD] Covert Assault Date: 01-01-05 14:38:18 EST From: (Hiryuu) Reply-to: To: Hiryuu stopped his morning workout to wipe the sweat from his brow. He glanced towards the east where the shape of the Anything goes sexual arts compound could be made out on the side of the mountain. "Tonight I'll make my move.." his musings were interrupted by a voice behind him. "Ahh! a moogle performing katas!" Hiryuu shot them a look and they turned and fled. Having lost track of where he was in the intricate technique, he gave up practicing. It had rained that night, leaving him temporarily without human form. He could practice as a moogle, but the strikes and blocks of his stubby limbs left much to be desired. After a small breakfast he spread his tiny wings and flew off to the east. Moogle wings couldn't lift you more than three or four feet off the ground, but it was faster than walking. Night had fallen by the time he reached the compound. Exhausted, Hiryuu plummeted towards the earth, tumbling a few times before stopping. "ten point landing." He muttered as he picked himself up. Hiryuu surveyed the perimeter, seeing no visible defenses. "Heh, this will be too easy." He started running full tilt towards the nearest wall. "Secret girls locker room peeping martial arts technique, shift through the wall!" Hiryuu pondered as he slowly slid down the hard surface of the wall. "I should have taken this body's different mass into account when performing that technique" He whispered to himself. Spotting a large open window directly to the right of him, Hiryuu groaned. "Time for plan B!" Landing on the floor without a sound, Hiryuu took in the magnificent room. In the center was a huge bed with a sleeping figure beneath the covers. "This must be the anything goes sexual arts master, Pyxie." Hiryuu thought to himself. "I'd better watch my step around such a dangerous opponent." Looking up, he saw a cabinet above the head of the bed. "That must be where she keeps the scrolls for the techniques of anything goes sexual arts!" Hiryuu excitedly whispered. But how was he going to get at them? Using a chi dampening technique to partially mask his presence, he began to slowly and carefully crawl over the sleeping form. "Almost there.." he dared to breathe. Suddenly Pyxie rolled, sending him sprawling on top of her. A cup of tea that was on a nightstand tipped from the action and splashed all over Hiryuu, leaving him fully human, and fully naked. Pyxie opened her eyes.... your turn pyx :D -- Hiryuu oft times Akuryuu Subj: [ffml] [HD] Indruder Alert! Date: 01-01-05 17:51:05 EST From: (pyxie ) Reply-to: To: This happens the night after all the commotion on Lia's arrival. Either her or Arcanis will post what happened between them and the wand. =) -pyxie ********************* "Darlin," she muttered, thinking it was Pokey. "You're squishing me." Hiryuu oofed as the harem mistress's knees barely missed hitting his family jewels. With a start, Pyxie jerked up in bed, sitting face to face with the strange man lying on top of her. Hiryuu watched in fascination as her emerald eyes gradually turned a chilling silver. He leaned forward for a closer view. The next thing he knew... "AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Pyxie's mortified scream echoed endlessly throughout the sleeping harem. Every single man whore and concubine snapped out of their erotic filled dreams and rushed towards the mistress bedroom. Pokey was the first to arrive, and what he saw caused the tick on his forehead to start. His eyes glazed over and his muscles flexed angrily. "Why you son of a &^#$^!!!!" Hiryuu felt a muscled arm wrap around his neck and pulled him right off of Pyxie's body. A hard fist connected to his jaw, sending him flying across the room and thudding against the wall. When he looked up to see the giant of a man charging back at him, Hiryuu manly stood up and used his Flying Dragon Kick technique. Just as Pokey reached 3 feet from the stranger, he saw a blur of flesh right before a foot planted him a facer. As Hiryuu prepared to give another left kick, an invisible force blocked his way, "W-where did that come from??" He looked around for any escape, but he was completely surrounded by a wall of ice. Though it he could see Pyxie coddling over Pokey, with 20 other people behind her. One of them a strange elf with green wings. "What we want to know is, where did YOU come from?" asked Aryun, the head concubine with a whip in her hand. As pandemonium broke loose in the chamber, Pyxie's mind quickly filled with questions of her own. *How did he get in here? Never in 3 years has the ward protection spell been breached. There's something fishy going on here. Hmmmm....* Keeping her features non-challant, Pyxie sauntered over to Hiryuu and thoroughly inspected him. A deep blush spread all over his body. He felt his heart pounding fast, like a bed banging against a wall. With such wicked thoughts, Hiryuu's blush turned even redder. "If we let you go, will you promise to behave?" pyxie quietly asked, her now silver eyes looking deep into his soul. "Behave?" he asked incredulously, "that's the last thing I'm thinking about right now, if you know what I mean." Hiryuu grimaced at what he just said. What was going on? Never in his life had he behaved in such a crude behavior. Helplessly, he watched as the wall around him dissipated. Aryun rushed forward to hand an orange cloth to cover himself. Pyxie excused everyone from the room...except for Lia, Arcanis, Rydia (who had been terrified at hearing Pyxie scream) and Pokey (who was still itching to mangle Hiryuu the pervert). Pyxie sighed with frustration. The past couple of days have been one ruckus after another. With Arcanis appearing and accusing her of being a Larathia's performance with her wand...and now this! "Now tell me," she patiently commanded as she leaned close to Hiryuu, running her finger along his exposed collar. "What brings you here to the harem? And how did you pass the protection shield?" "Er..." Hiryuu gulped, trying to hide his arousal from the others in the room. He couldn't seem to concentrate or control his misbehaving body. " see...I'm on a mission to learn all the martial arts techniques there are in the world." "What's your name by the way?" asked the young man sitting next to Lia. Since he spoke in such a nice tone and looked quite harmless compared to Pokey, Hiryuu eagerly explained his situation. "Hiryuu of the Heavenly Dragon School of Martial Arts! I've spent my entire life training in the greatest styles on earth. I've mastered all but one... the anything goes style of sexual arts! I must learn this in order to fulfill my father's dying wish!" With a snap, Hiryuu bent a bowed formally to the room. A little girl with the same hair color as the winged-elf poked her head out from behind Pyxie's skirts. Pointing at Hiryuu, she yelled with a smirk, "You stupid human! Mistress Pyxie teaches SEXUAL arts, not MARTIAL arts." Hiryuu stared at Pyxie with a dumb look on his face. The kind lady just looked back at him with a sheepish smile. As Hiryuu slouched low in his chair, he pondered hard on his own stupidity. "There, there," said Pyxie, patting him on the shoulders. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you're still welcome to stay here at the harem to learn." "I think he should leave," muttered Pokey. "He's obviously on an important mission that doesn't include us...right?!?" He continued to glare at Hiryuu. "Pokey, that's enough!" Pyxie cast a firm look onto her bodyguard. Facing Hiryuu, she continued. "We will actually be leaving on the morrow on a journey of our own. Feel free to join us if you'd like." "Umm, now wait a min..." Arcanis broke off on his protest when Pyxie turned on him with her doeful eyes. Such kind and soothing eyes they were. After a moment, he forgot what it was he wanted to say. Lia just observed everything quietly, storing all the information she can muster for later usage. "Well, I would really appreciate it if you don't mind." The prospect of traveling with such a popular group caused Hiryuu to think quickly. With them along, he would be able to travel and see other lands that might have undiscovered martial arts! "Then it's settled!" With a clap of her hands, Pyxie ordered the entering concubines to escort Hiryuu to a room to rest. As the door closed behind the young man, Arcanis wondered if asking Pyxie to accompany him was starting to be a very bad idea indeed.... Subj: [HillionDynasty] [HD] Under Construction Date: 01-01-05 20:03:00 EST From: (Arcanis) Reply-to: To: CC: * Well, this post is more-or-less useless, except to patch up Hiryuu's little continuity problem with the ward on AGSOSA. That, and it's an attempt to make up for the shoddy writing job I've done on my last couple chapters, heheh. Hope you don't mind the remodeling job, Pyx! ;-D -------------------------------- Arcanis easily leapt across large openings in the rockside, aided with levitation and a night-vision spell as he reached his destination on the cliffside of Mt. Calypso. The esper thought back on the exceedingly strange day. A giant palace created seemingly out of pure naughtiness, the sweet, happy-go-lucky Pyxie, the strange avariel Lia, a nude martial artist that had the same ambience of a shapeshifter appearing in Pyxie's bedroom, and all the other things he'd experienced that day. *Earth is alot more fun than Abterrus,* Arcanis thought, smirking. The impure mana didn't seem to bother him as much lately, either. He must be subconsciously adjusting to Earth's ambience. Arcanis still questioned his sanity when he accepted Pyxie and her growing list of friends to accompany him to find Kefka, at least until he remembered that he had little sanity anyway. He stood up and examined part of the shield that protected the Anything Goes School of Sexual Arts. To most, the air was clear. To Arcanis' mage-trained eye, however, a thin, translucent sheet of mana hung suspended in the air, stretching up and over AGSOSA in a weakly glowing sphere of energy. Arcanis mused on the shoddy workmanship of the forcefield. Obviously, whoever had made it could barely manage such a large feat, especially combining both invisibility and a warding spell against animals and people with malevolent intent. To his eyes, there was a gaping, jagged tear in the shield. That must have been how that naked man... Hiryuu... had gotten in. The martial artist was very lucky Lia had trapped him with an ice spell-- Arcanis had been microseconds away from annihilating him with a blast of pure energy after hearing Pyxie's scream and teleporting to the room. Reaching out with a probing tendril of mana, Arcanis' ran it lightly over the inside of the shield, wincing as the entire enchantment shuddered. A simple spell would shatter the entire thing, exposing the School. In fact, any type of energy would; it seemed this tear had probably been caused by an errant lightning bolt striking up from the clouds below. Arcanis rolled his eyes and struck the shield a single blow with a bolt of psinetic mana. To his eyes, the entire barrier pulsed brightly, then shattered silently outward, each shard of mana dissipating into the dim night. He gestured intricately-- unnecessary, but gestures always seemed to help the casting process, not to mention letting enemies know who was kicking their asses with bolts of lighting or other such spells. In front of Arcanis, there was a flare of mana, again invisible to the untrained eye, and a strong, thick layer of mana swept upwards to replace the old shield. Arcanis sent a stream of mana into to new template shield, reinforcing it against magic, invisibility, a warding spell, and other various, useful spells. After finishing the invisible shield, Arcanis took a step back and frowned. Something was missing. Drawing out the small gem that had shielded him from the Espergate, Arcanis had an idea. He'd been itching for some spellcrafting ever since leaving Abterrus, and he owed Pyxie for helping him out. Later that night, when he was done, the shield would be every bit as deadly to anyone with evil in their hearts who tried to pass it as the seal on the Espergate. -Arcanis