From: His Dark Lordship Date: Fri Jan 5, 2001 2:51pm Subject: [HD] Greenskin 'n 'eavy metal Drugga rubbed his forehead. His ressurection this time had been somewhat less than comfy. That was probably because he didn't have Sephiroth or Jaana to break his fall last time. He groaned as he rubbed his head. Getting up, he realized he felt something he hadn't felt in a long time. Mork's foot, he hadn't felt this since... he last died. He was hungry, and extreamely hungry at that. He looked about his immediate area. He was in a forest. Forest meant that rabbits were probably about. Drugga hated rabbit, but it was better than nothing. Quickly putting together a snare, Drugga decided to take a nap. Lying back, he quickly was out to lunch. When he awoke, lo and behold, a rabbit was caught in the snare. Not bothering to check if it was dead, Drugga grabbed it and bit it's head off. He let out a belch. Sustenence! Drugga felt a warmth in his tummy. Next time, though, he was gonna bring some Squigs along for foodstuffs. And some fungus beer. Mmmm... Drugga decided to put his powerful orky nose to work. He began sniffing the air for wiffs of alcahol. He was met with a faint smell of yeast. "Ugh. 'umie booze." he grumbled. Humans did not know how to make alcahol. Fermented grapes, frig. Then again, there was only one human who ever drank any Orky booze and lived, and that was Jaana. Drugga shrugged. He had Jaana on the brain recently. He needed to quit that. He needed to kill something. Something other than a rabbit. He'd probably get some killing action in at the drinking establishment he had sniffed out. He picked up his klubbs and started off in that direction. * * * * * He had only been walking for about fifteen minutes when he encountered a tall man squatting in the woods, wearing a black cloak. "Oi, who iz yoo?" he belched. No response. "'ey, ahm talkin' to ya, bitch!" Still no response. Drugga grumbled to himself and delivered a swift kick to the cloaked figure's head. It fell back, and bolted back up. "You dare attempt to harm Nicotron? Die infidel!" "Oi, yooz shoul-WOOOAAH!" Drugga dodged a raybeam. The tree behind him fell forward. The cloaked figure dodged to the side fairly harmlessly. "Hmm... the last people didn't dodge my shots at all. INteresting." "Wot the hell? Wot are yoo?" The cloaked figure looked at Drugga. "I am Nicotron Z, the new destroyer of earth." "Nicotron Z? Dat'z a weerd name." "You dare open your mouth and speak words of a hurting degree to Nicotron? Die-" "SHADDUP!!" yelled Drugga rather annoyed. "Take a fuckin' pill 'er sumptink." Nicotron Z looked at him rather oddly. "Now, lemme ask ya a qwestin'. Wot iz yoo?" Nicotron Z just sat there. "Take off ya hood, foo." Nicotron Z started to say something, but then just pulled the hood back. "Woah, yooz iz a robot. Roooobot." "I prefer to be refered to as Android." "Wotever." "What exactly are you?" "Ah'm 'n Ork, da biggezt, baddezt and most 'andsum of all da 'tellegen racez." "I see." said Nicotron Z rather sarcastically. "Well, peace be with you, Ork-" "Da name iz Drugga, da Klubba." "Drugga then. I must continue my mission." "Oi, wot mission iz dat?" "The one I began many, many years ago." "An dat iz?" "I must go to Hillion." "Why?" Nicotron Z sat silent for a moment. "Memory bank failure. Cannot answer question." "Oi, datz just da catz ass." "Hmm. That is odd. I know my mission is to go to Hillion, but what I am to do at Hillion is a mystery." "Hmm. Maybe yooz iz 'sposed ta go ta this 'illion joint ta restore yer memoreez?" "That seems a plausable reason. Thank you. I must be off." "Wait!" yelled Drugga. "Yooz iz kinda spazzy. Maybe yooz needz 'sum guidence 'n 'ow ta act, oi?" Nicotron Z blinked. This greenskined maniac wanted to go with him? -- The eternal lord of darkness... Subj: Re: [HD] Greenskin 'n 'eavy metal From: Sha-dow (note: Forgive me if I mess up with Drugga's speech...that's one wierd dude.) "Hmmm..." Nicotron Z thought. The strange creature could probably help him out in the long run. "Fine. You're coming with me, but if you try to pull a fast will suffer greatly." "Oooh! Yea! I like dat decizion! Now...wer iz diz "Hillion" at?" "I don't kno...AGH!" Nicotron's mind was all of a sudden filled with lost memories and flashbacks to the past. Images of a cloaked figure reciting words and a small white creature filled his mind. Suddenly, he remembered something about a Crystal Peak, and a tomb underneath it. Then, he collapsed. -------------- "Fuck this man. I'm sick of burying dead people. There are just too many of these motherfuckers and I'm just not being paid enough by Bacca. I'm sick and tired of this crap. We should just strike man! And look, with that firewood, and those large wallscrolls in the depository, we have just the right stuff to make picket signs!" "Shut the hell up Briggs. You daydream way too much for my liking. You are nothing to Bacca. Just a damn undertaker. Go ahead and do the job you were given, and I will do likewise. Here, grab this boys legs and I'll grab his arms, then we'll throw him in." "You just don't get it do you Ernst! You dumbass!" "What the hell did you call me?" Ernst said as he pushed Briggs to the ground. "Don't you dare ever talk shit to me again, or I'll bust you wide open and throw YOUR body into a hole in the ground! Now get up and start doing some damn work!" Briggs got up, but not without saying a few things under his breath. Trying not to look at the mangled body, he grabbed the boys legs, and waited for Ernst to grab the arms, when he spotted something. The boy's left arm was covered in some type of golden armor. "You see that man? What is that?" "I don't know. Don't touch it. It looks dangerous." "Fuck it, I'm taking that! I could sell it to some trader in Nikeah or something!" Briggs reached for the golden arm and started to pull at it. "What the hell are you doing, trying to rip it out of the socket?!" "Of course!" With that, Briggs tried for 15 minutes straight, to no avail. "Dammit man! This sucks! Why won't this thing just come off?" "Shut your whining mouth and help me out with these other bodies." "Hey, fuck you. I'm sick and tired of your bullshit Ernst." Briggs picked up the body and started to walk away. "I'm gonna go find a blade or something to cut it off, and then I'm gonna be RICH! AHAHA!" "Whatever." ----------------- "Hey joo, wake up!" Drugga said as he began pounding on Nicotron's chest. "Wake up time!" "What? What the hell is going on?! You dare attack Nicotron Z!? Feel my pain infidel!" Nicotron was awake, and ready to blast Drugga to smithereens, when a loud explosion came from his right side. "What is this?!" Four strange looking creatures walked out of the cloud of dust left from the explosion, hissing as they moved. Their skin was shiny and black. A green liquid dripped from their mouths and when it hit the ground steam came up. Their heads were shaped like bananas. Their mouths were full of rows of sharp looking teeth. For hands, they had razor sharp claws. Suddenly, they stopped and stood motionless. The hissing continued though. Then, from behind them came an old man holding a strange looking staff. The four seperated in the middle to let him come through. He walked towards Nicotron and Drugga. Then he stopped. The man looked like he was in his 60's. His hair was completely white. His face was painted with a black and intricate looking design that streched from his forehead to his mouth. (note: Think Ultimate Warrior without all the fruity colors and with just an outline, not everything filled in). He wore shiny black armor that matched the creatures he was accompanying. Strapped to his back was a large broadsword. "Who the are you, old man?" Nicotron asked. "I, my friend, am H.R. Giger. And you...are dead." "Woo da hell ar joo ta come an' say dis shit to us, fool?!"Drugga responded. "I am the creator of the most vilest creatures to roam the cosmos. Behold! My greatest creation! The ALIEN!" Giger said as he gestured towards the creatures. "Born to kill, they will help me rule this planet as they have helped me rule others! But now is not the time to talk, en garde fools!" "What have we gotten ourselves into, beast?" "I don' kno. But I can tell joo dat I ain' runnin from NOBODY! AHHHHH!" With that, Drugga ran head on into the aliens and started to fight almost immedietly. "I won't let you fall alone beast! Prepare to feel my pain, INFIDELS!" Nicotron said as he too ran into the heat of the battle. "Hahaha. Stupid, stupid fools..." Giger said as he watched the insuing battle. "They will die brave warriors, I can't deny that. But stupid warriors at the same time. Those fools. It's time for me to join the battle." Giger threw his staff to the ground and unsheathed his broad sword. "Let's see how the old fighting skills are letting up." And with that, the battle raged on. Subj: [ffml] [HD] The Aliens vs Drugga & Nicotron Z! Date: 01-01-05 20:33:02 EST From: (His Dark Lordship) "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!" yelled Drugga as he swung one of his spiked klubbs into an alien's skull. The blow connected, but the alien's blood started to seep onto the klubb and the klubb began to dissolve. "WOT DA FUCK!?!" yelled Drugga in anger. "Dat waz ma best klubb, ya bitch!" Drugga punched the vile beast in the face. It jumped back. Drugga snarled again and stepped forward to confront the wounded creature, but suddenly a shearing pain filled his arm. He looked over to see a pair of jaws receeding... back into an alien's mouth. Black blood trickled down Drugga's arm. "YOO STUPID GROT!!" yelled Drugga as he tackled the beast head on. It attempted to claw at him but he had it so off guard that all it could do was absorb his punches at it's face. A few feet away, Nicotron Z was also enjoying a bit of a brawl. The first alien charged him head on. He extended his arm, releasing a laser beem that struck the alien in the face. It's head exploded, covering Nicotron Z in the alien's blood. It started to seep at his joint. "ARRRGH!" yelled Nicotron Z as his nerve simulators told him he was experiencing pain. A second alien latched onto his back, digging at him with it's teeth. White blood surged out of his back as he struggled to get at the alien's face. Finally, he latched his fingers onto it's face and squeezed. The alien screeched in pain as it's flesh cracked under Nicotron's superior strength. "You like that, bitch!?!" he yelled as it fell over and it's blood began to eat away at the soil. He then felt another thing touch his back. He looked over to see a flash of green. "Ralax, itz me." grumbled Drugga. Nicotron nodded. They were being circled by two aliens, and H. R Giger, waving his broadsword. "Drugga." muttered Nicotron Z. "We should be able to take out the aliens if we get Mr. Giger here out of the way." Drugga nodded. "Yooz da wun wit da nifty weponz." Nicotron Z nodded. "Ready... GO!" Drugga pounced on the alien in front of him, delivering a punch to the head. Nicotron fired a stun bolt at Giger, causing him to reel back. He then turned to the alien. The alien lashed out it's jaws at Nicotron Z, grabbing him by the chest and dragging him in almost helplessly. It dug it's claws into his chest. Nicotron Z roared in anger as he grasped it's neck. It's back legs clawed at Nicotron Z's midsection. He let his fingers latch down. The alien screeched in pain as it was stranged. Finally, it fell lifeless. Nicotron Z turned to help his companion out but Drugga was already dusting himself off and picking his many wounds. "Oi, dat wuz fun." "Is that the best you can do, Mr. Giger?" H. R. Giger stared at the pair. "Hmmmm... perhaps you have more promise than I gave you credit for." he then smiled evilly. "I guarentee you our next meeting will meet with your death, however." In a flash, he was gone. "Oi, dumfuck." grumbled Drugga. "'ey, Nicotron Z, yooz gotz a limp." "Some of that acid blood of the aliens got on my leg. I'll be alright." "Oi, well, weez shud be getting along 'ere. Those thingz gave me da wurst beatin' in yeerz, 'an ah getz da feelinz they ain't really ded yet." Nicotron Z nodded. "So where to?" Drugga shrugged, then looked around for a moment. "'ey! Why don't weez check out dat mountain?" "The one that looks like Pat Buchanan?" "Yah, dat wun." Nicotron Z nodded. "Something seems familiar about that mountain." "Well, letz get goin' before ya go unconsious 'gain." Nicotron Z was about to say something, but Drugga had grabbed his remaining klubb and was already off. -- The eternal lord of darkness... "And if our dreams sometimes come true, then what of our nightmares?" -The undisputed Master of Final Fantasy 2 -GM of FF2c -Lord of the FFML ICQ UIN# 23424269 IRC Nicks: TheDarkLord, GannondorfDragmire, occasionally Blackthorne System: Amiga 4000/040 Cybervision64 & Opalvision ---INTEL/MICROSOFT FREE---