Subj: [ffml] [HD] Perhaps to Dream Date: 01-01-04 10:41:49 EST From: (Larathia) Reply-to: To:, Lia awoke to a terrific pain in her midriff, and a thudding in her brain. Avariel didn't sleep, and she'd never fainted before, so the sudden lapse in time - the disorientation as to what time it actually *was* , was very disconcerting. It therefore took her a few blinking moments to realize that the pain in her midriff was caused by there being someone's shoulder in it, and her head hurt because she was hanging down someone's back. This gave her a bouncing view of the Someone's ass. She would have appreciated it more if it weren't moving; as it was, the bouncing and swaying was making her a little nauseated. There was a snow-lion, she remembered that. And a hulking huge giant of a human, at least a foot taller than she...she remembered a sword, and some muttered words in an unknown tongue. And now she was hanging upside down, draped over a presumably human shoulder (since elves were shorter, and avariel wings would get in the way). She wondered how long she had been out. She felt quite rested, so at least a few hours had gone by. She tried to look at shadows on the ground without moving her head, giving away that she was awake. No shadows? But there was ambient light...travelling through shade then. That meant she'd been Elsewhere all night. This Someone carrying her had done so all night. Would that mean she was outside the patrol areas already? The Someone was huge, and quite possibly fast...she could be anywhere. Finding Elfland at this point would most likely be pointless - she'd have to find out what she could on her own. But first, she'd have to get off this Someone's back. He hadn't robbed her, it seemed, and she wasn't bruised beyond what one would expect being carried, and rather to her surprise she wasn't tied down either. But that could be because she'd been out cold all night, and therefore there was no need to bind her or bruise her. She'd heard Stories of the human race since childhood, though, and had no desire to test this one's mercy. The tale of the Betrayal was still a very popular one at home - the story of how the avariel had come to this world to aid the humans, and had been betrayed by the human leaders to a near-total fiery death at the hands of the moogles. If she tried to cast a spell, odds were good the human would notice her movement before she finished the casting. And he had a big sword - her little daggers would do no good if she missed with the first strike, which given she'd have to get one and stab with it while hanging upside down, and do it all before he had time to react, was very likely. That left the wand she'd taken for emergencies. She could get to that as quickly as to a dagger, and it had the advantage that it didn't need the same degree of aim to work. She focused her memory - which was mage-trained to near photographic levels - and looked in her minds eye at the elvish runes she'd seen on its side when she'd taken it. Yes. She knew she remembered the word accurately. She could invoke the wand, if she could but grab it fast enough. Time to strike. Using every ounce of her speed, Lia jammed her hand into her belt-pouch and got hold of the wand. The movement alerted her carrier, who turned his head and said something - but there was no time to enact her languages spell to find out what. She drew the wand, poked it at the human's back, and spoke the word that activated it. "Gotcha!" Pokey's forward movement was abruptly halted, and he pitched forward onto his face. Every scrap of clothing he had on was gone, and he was snugly wrapped from head to toe in a clear plastic wrap. Lia was thrown from his shoulder in his fall, but being used to airborne movement managed to perform a neat flip to end up standing on the ground facing him a few feet away - a look of wide-eyed shock on her face. There was no spell in the spellbooks to duplicate the effect the wand had had. Even the Stop spell - which was the closest equivalent she knew of - didn't stop you by wrapping you in plastic. She had taken something far too powerful to have ever left NeuVariel - either an ancient wand from before the Coming, She didn't want to think about it. The human had rolled over and spat dirt, growling something. Lia, still in shock, decided very quickly she did not want to fight a naked, huge, pissed-off human and did the only thing that came to mind - she spread her wings and jumped as hard as she could for the sky. She had no idea at this point where home was, but mountains were big features of the landscape and she'd be bound to find them if she kept looking.... Except that all around, as far as she could see, were forests. No mountains, no foothills, no plains...trees. Where in the Lady's name was she? Subj: [ffml] [HD] The Book and its Cover Date: 01-01-05 10:20:47 EST There was no help for it, Lia was well and truly lost. The Phoenix Star mountains - heck, even the Elflands and the trading city of Tzen - were nowhere to be seen no matter how high she flew. How the big human had got her here was anybody's guess, unless humans had access to magic too... That was a disturbing thought. Human mages, possibly hurling fireballs about? Brrr. Lia looked down, where it seemed the human was still tightly wrapped in clear plastic wrap. She was somewhat surprised; she hadn't thought he'd still be bound. It gave her a much-needed third option - go and find out from the human where she was and what he'd thought he was doing with her. And if he caused her any trouble, why she could always zap him again. Nodding to herself, she spiraled back down beneath the treetops. The human was squirming madly, muttering to himself. It didn't sound pleasant, so she waited until he paused before enacting her languages spell - then interrupted him. "Excuse me, human - but I can get you out of there," she tried. Pokey, who was uncomfortable on many levels with being nude and tightly bound in clear plastic in front of a strange female, was having a hard time keeping his normal good cheer up. He settled for an "Is that so?", before going back to his squirming. Lia smiled, looking like an innocent child. "Well, before you get too annoyed, remember that you *did* kidnap me. I think just being tied up is getting off pretty lightly, don't you?" Pokey stared, so surprised he stopped rock still. "Kidnap you? I *saved* you, whatever you are, from that snow lion! You fainted, and you didn't come round, so I thought I'd take you somewhere safe. Do you have any idea how long you've been out?" Lia felt somewhat uncertain, feeling that control of the conversation was starting to slip from her. "No, I don't - but that doesn't matter. Where were you taking me?" "Well, I was sent out to find a new member for my lady Pyxie's harem. You're very pretty, and I've never seen anyone like you...I thought she might want to meet you. She wouldn't hurt you, I'm sure!" he finished, as Lia started to look upset. He tried again. "Maybe we should start fresh? I'm called Pokey." Judge the situation on its own merits, her teachers had taught her. Abolish emotional concerns, and evaluate a situation on its own merits. This human, this Pokey...his words, what she remembered of his actions, and her own intuition said he was telling the truth; he wasn't trying to hurt her - was trying in fact to protect her. Well and good, but this Pyxie...could he really speak for his mistress? Probably not, but best to keep an open mind. In the meantime, having a big burly human on her side might save her some trouble.... "Lia of House Macaw," she responded. "I suppose I'd better get you out of there." Pokey watched carefully, for many reasons, as Lia drew one of her green-glass daggers and proceeded to cut away at the plastic wrap that bound his feet. She'd gotten as far as the knees when she suddenly looked up and hissed. "Um, watch it," was his first response, eyeing the sharp dagger nervously. "Shh!" Lia hissed. "Can't you hear them? Moogles!" Moogles? thought Pokey. Moogles weren't any danger. Why did she react so to them? "I'll get *you*," whispered Lia. "See if you catch *me* for any of your kupo games!" She stood up and back, away from Pokey. At this point Pokey could see what was upsetting Lia. A group of five or so moogles in expeditionary gear were heading through the forest nearby, chatting amongst themselves. He couldn't make out any of the words, but they didn't sound angry... Lia was chanting quietly, and moving her fingers in a complicated pattern. At once, a horde of flying icicles appeared and were launched at the moogles - two were speared instantly. The other three dropped to the ground at once, trying to determine the source of the attack. When they did, they started moving purposefully toward Lia, using the trees as cover wherever they could. She patted Pokey's plastic-wrapped knee. "I think I can handle this. You just sit tight," she said, comfortingly. She stood up, away from Pokey so the moogles would focus on her - and drew her wand again. Pointing it at the moogles, she said, "Gotcha!" The wand glowed, and that was it. No special effects, no wrapped moogles. But while she stared at the wand in numb disappointment, one of the moogles tried to whack her with his walking staff - and rebounded so hard he flew into a tree. The wand had made her into rubber! Grinning gleefully, she summoned more icicles and ignored any attempts they made to strike her - and soon the other three moogles were neatly speared to the trees, pinned by icicles. She took a deep breath, and turned to Pokey. "No telling how long the effect will last," she said, "so don't go giving me hugs or anything. I'll be right with you, but I have to take care of something first." Pokey watched in growing shock as Lia went around to each of the dead moogles and carefully sliced its penis off. She wrapped them in cloth taken from one of the corpses, and put them in her (empty?) belt pouch. Wiping the blood off her hands and daggers, she said cheerfully, "That's one patrol that won't be kupo-ing anybody anymore!" and walked back toward him. If he had had the option, he would have crawled into a tree - until she used the dagger to continue cutting him free. He didn't take a deep breath until it was put away. "I'm sorry I don't have any clothes for you," she said sadly. "And I don't know how to skin these moogles to make hides that are wearable. I know the little beasts are short, but perhaps we can use some of their clothes to make a loincloth for you, at least." Amazing, he thought. She has absolutely no idea what she did; for all her manner she could have just been complimenting the postman on a nice uniform. And while taking clothing from the dead was most unappetizing, it was better than being around this female and her daggers stark naked. He started pulling off their shirts, looking in their packs for spare gear (most of it for wet weather, since moogle hide handled cold and heat pretty well), while keeping one eye and one ear on Lia. He wasn't sure what she meant when she looked at the wand and said in a troubled tone, "I hope you are as trustworthy as you seem, because I think we have trouble." Larathia Subj: [ffml] [HD] Search Party Date: 01-01-05 12:22:15 EST From: (pyxie ) Reply-to: To: Crazy! That's the only word he could describe it. Pokey kept silently grumbling to himself as he continued hiking back to the harem, the beautiful Lia following him. First the snow lion incident...then being embarrassingly hog-tied NAKED with plastic wrap. Naked for goodness sakes! If it was under the hands of his mistress, it would have been kinky. But with this blood-lusting lady it's torture! Remembering the sight of Lia slicing of the moogle penises made Pokey shudder in pain. "Hey, what's that?!" Lia's sudden exclamation after hours of silence caused Pokey to jump. He tasked himself for being such a wuss, Lia's just a girl after all! Covering his eyes with a hand, Pokey looked up to where Lia pointed. He saw a splotch of shimmery purple amidst the sky. "Hmmm, that looks familiar somehow," he said. Squinting his eyes some more, he noticed a brown spot clinging to the top of the figure. "Hey! It's Bix and BahamutX!!" Shouting and hopping around, Pokey frantically waved his muscled arms trying to get their attention. Up in the air, Bix held tight onto the dragon's neck as they zoomed across the forest. "BAHA," he yelled, trying to be heard over the wind. "Look down there! Someone's waving at us!!! It looks like they're doing the chicken dance or something!" Unlike a human, BahamutX was able to see further away and noticed who it was. [Thy thought is wrong. Tis a man doing the Hokey Pokey! HA HA HA] As Baha's body started shaking with uncontrolled laughter, poor Bix was thrown off his back and plummeted to the ground. Lia watched in confusion as the brown spot fell of the purple figure. The dragon seemed to not notice this, continuing to roll in the air holding it's stomach. Lia flexed her wings wide, spreading them to it's full 18 inches. With an irritated grunt, she soared into the sky right towards the screaming Bix. "Hold still," she commanded, gliding right behind Bix's back and hooking her arms under his armpits. At the feel of her fully endowed breasts pressed against his back, Bix quickly shut up and turned as stiff as stone. Not noticing his reaction, Lia worried about their landing. She knew he was too heavy for her to actually carry. A hand groping her chest caused her to scream in shock. "Why you disgusting PERVERT!!!" She quickly snatched her arms away and whacked poor Bix on the head with her wings. Knocked unconscious, his body continued falling to the ground while Lia jus watched with a scowl. Something huge zipped by her, causing Lia to quickly flap her wings to gain control. "Here I cooome to save the daaay! BahaaaamutX is on his waaaaay!!" With his snout wide open exposing his pointy teeth, Baha dipped into a practice swoop, catching Bix in his sharp talons without causing a scratch. Careful as a babe, he eased him onto the ground. Pokey rushed over and inspected the silent body. Lia gracefully landed just a few feet away. "Mfffrg, what happened?" "Is this THING a friend of yours Pokey?" "Glad to see thou is well, man whore!" Pokey took a deep calming breath, wishing he was back at the peaceful harem. Peaceful? What is he thinking! The harem is NEVER peaceful. *sigh* "I'm ok, just got a bit sidetracked," he patiently explained. "This is Lia of House Macaw. Lia, these two are other members of AGSOSA...BahamutX and Bix." With a stiff nod at the oggling human, Lia confused her attention to the dragon. She'd only seen a few dragons in her life, and those only from a distance. Lia was delighted to meet such a prestigious flying creature and give him a friendly smile. [Pokey, we must hurry back to the harem. Thy mistress demands your return.] Bix nodded in agreement, moaning when the pounding in his head increased. Lia looked from the dragon and back to the two men. They seemed to be discussing something that she couldn't hear. She noticed Baha turn his glassy eyes onto her. [Will the maiden be joining us? Mind you, if Pyxie finds out you were traveling naked with the woman, she'll probably order me to toast they delectable body.] Baha chuckled at his own joke. Bix just rolled his eyes at the dragon, glad they were on the ground this time. Quickly gathering his wits together, he explained to Pokey and Lia how the mistress had send them to search for the missing man whore. He also explained how the harem was preparing to go on an adventure with a strange man called Arcanis. "Egads!" Pokey raised his hands in defeat. "Not even a peaceful break for me. Well, whatever our mistress wishes is our command. Let's get back. At least I can rest on the way there." With a resigned sigh, Pokey climbed onto BahamutX's back. After securing his cane, he promptly fell into a deep sleep. "Wow, I'm always amazed at how good he is at that." Bix observed at Pokey's ability to sleep so quick. Turning to Lia, he bowed his head and offered his apology. "Humph, just don't do it again or next time, you won't have hands to do anything with!" Looking back at Baha, she asked, "How long is it to this harem?" [A half day flight at dragon speed. I would suggest that thou take my hospitality and ride me.] BahamutX smiled innocently down at the young lady. Feeling her mouth gape open with awe, Lia hastily snapped them back shut. She had heard the dragon speak, but without his lips moving! "H-how did y-you do that?!?!" [What? Oh this?] At Lia's eager nod, BahamutX explained his ability to speak into people's minds. He found it a wonderful way to not frighten people with his teeth and his bad breath. Lia chuckled at that thought and decided to accept the offer. She wanted to save her strength for when she met up with this Pyxie of theirs. And so with the three securely settled upon his back, BahamutX once again made haste back to the harem. The Final Fantasy Mailing List: Now available in Cherry, Strawberry or Tofu