Subj: [ffml] [HD] Hunting We Go! part 1 Date: 01-01-03 13:07:56 EST From: (pyxie ) Reply-to: To: The sunlight quickly diminished behind the horizon, casting an eerie red upon the rubble that was left of Medina. "What the hell happened here?!?!" Eyes wide with disbelief, Bix hopped down from BahamutX's back and stared at the ruins that was once his favorite drinking town. Badly charred houses lay scattered like burnt firewood. Only the Rusty Duck stood fully upright. "Hot damn, thank the rat's arse that one bar is still standing! I wonder what coulda happened?" asked Bix, as he turned to the dragon behind him. With a thump, he walked right into BahamutX's tender snout. "RRRRRROWRRRRRR!!!!!" "Oooh Baha, didn't know you liked me in that way! haha." With a teasing jab at Baha's nose, Bix looked up into glassy purple eyes which where as big as his own head. "How's about we grab us some beer while we look around? Sing a couple of rowdy ballads to liven up this dead place." ['Tis already been 3 days, Bix. We only have 2 more to get back to our mistress. Dost thou actually think to indulge in petty drinking at such a crucial time?!?] "Awwww c'mon. Just one mug, nothing more. We haven't found a single guy that would be worthy of us. I need a break!" With an impatient grunt BahamutX nudged Bix with his nose, practically sending the man flying down the pebble road. After muttering something about lizard soup, Bix started walking over towards the Rusty Duck. He almost stumbled as the ground trembled at Baha's each step. As they neared the building, BahamutX suddenly stood still, his whole scaley body tense and alert. "What's up Baha?" Bix scratched his crotch as he observed Baha's strange attitude. "You're not getting constipated are ya? Told you not to eat that old cow! hehe." [I sense a strong magical aura inside, Bix. I'm not sure how powerful it is since it seems to be muted.] With a dumb look, Bix poked his head inside the tavern and looked around. All he saw was the usual bar scene, added with a pile of dead bodies in the corner. Bix looked back at BahamutX with a smirk. "Looks pretty normal to me. No hocus pocus warlocks in there. Now stay here while I go grab some..." A wave of heat pinched Bix on his arm, causing him to yelp in surprise. Before he could give the dragon a piece of his mind, Baha's booming voice shook his mind to the core. [THOU SHALL SHUT THY HUMAN TRAP AND LISTEN TO ME, WHELP] "Geez man, do you gotta be so loud? Everyone will hear you," Bix grumbled. With an impatient sigh, Baha lowered his gigantic head and pierced Bix with a stern stare. [Be serious for once Bix. This magic I sense is not of evil, but of good. If we bring him back to the mistress, think of all the pleasure she would bestow upon thee.] "Hmmm, that does sound delicious. But how the hell am I suppose to know which of those bumpkins is a witch?!?" yelled Bix. "I don't got psychic powers ya know!!!" [Patience, dear boy. I will point him out to you.] Awkward as it was, BahamutX tilted his snout against the ground and peered through the nearest window. He quickly scanned the room, feeling a jolt wash over his body as his eyes landed on a grey- cloaked figure atop a pile of dead carcasses. [Wander amidst the hills of death, alive he is with alcohol on his breath. The one with gold inside his sleeve, grab him swift and then we leave!] "Oh jolly good, sport! Now the dragon knows how to rhyme! I'm so impressed," said Bix sarcastically. Expanding the scales around his head, BahamutX preened with pride. [Thank ye. The sweet mistress Pyxie taught me how. Now hurry.] Seeing the dragonic eyes turn steely, Bix capitulated and entered the tavern to look for the magician. It took him a while to adjust his eyes to the dark and dusty room, but he finally focused on the pile of bodies in the corner. Blood formed a crimson pool under the bodies, flies feasting upon the rotting flesh. Trying hard not to gag, Bix quickly went through the clothes of those on top. He found a wicked looking dagger in one man's pocket. Seeing as how the guy was a goner, Bix slipped it into his own pouch. Finally he felt the cold touch of gold against his fingers. "Might as well keep these as well," chuckled Bix as he leaned closer to inspect the figure. Just to be on the safe side, Bix poked the man's mouth open, stuck his nose inside and took a big whiff. "OH MY LORDY!!" His face distorting into an ugly scrunch, Bix turned to the side and proceeded to hurl his lunch away. "Yep, this guy's the one all right. Ugh!" Bix roughly grabbed the unconscious grey-cloaked figure and rushed to the door. Once outside, he took deep gulps of fresh air and sighed. Finally he noticed a crowd of villagers gathered a few feet away from BahamutX, staring at the scaley beast. [Art thou ready to depart?] "Hell yea. And you owe be big time, you lout! You coulda warned me this guy hadn't brushed his teeth in ages!!" With that, Bix dumped the body onto Baha's back and jumped in behind him. Ignoring the people cautiously watching them, BahamutX spread his wings and carefully made his way up into the air. As dust billowed around his form, Bix reached into his pocket and threw purple rose with silver tips on the petals back onto the ground. The symbol was clear. Pyxie's harem recruiters have successfully snatched another member. When the villagers noticed the rose, all of them suddenly started shouting towards the receding form of BahamutX, pleading and begging for them to be taken instead. But to no avail. The deed was done, the mission close to complete. The man whores were on their way back home with their prize... Subj: [ffml] [HD] Hunting We Go! part 2 Date: 01-01-03 14:52:19 EST From: (pyxie ) Pokey was exhausted. He'd been traveling for 3 days now, going from village to village in search for the right maiden. His mistress, and the love of his life, had chosen him to recruit a female to become part of the harem. But it can't be just any female... Bright beams of moonlight made the snow on the Phoenix Star mountain range look like a sea of sparkles. As the sweat cooled off his skin, Pokey kept a watchful eye around him. His strong hands gripped his cane, as tall as his 6 foot 3" and made of black granite. Pyxie had given it to him for his 23rd birthday, teasing him as to how he looked to much more manly with it. Pokey is a peaceful guy who grew up in a peaceful town with his peaceful parents as the weapon maker. Never in his life had he raised his voice in anger or frustration...until he met Pyxie. He had met the harem mistress 3 years ago, smoothly dodging away from a brute who had wanted to take her to his bed. One look at her striking beauty and laughter made Pokey feel something deep inside him awaken, a protectiveness he'd never felt before. A vein had started to pulse against the middle of his forehead, and he felt immense heat surge throughout his whole body. With a loud roar, he ran over to the bearded man and proceeded to beat him to a bloody pulp. Pyxie's gentle touch upon his cheek had saved him from committing the sin of murder. Expecting praise and showers of kisses....he got instead a sweltering lecture from his idol about letting people fight their own battles. Pokey's face always blushed with embarrassment whenever he thinks about it. But from then on, he had joined Pyxie on her adventures, becoming her personal confidante and most trusted man whore. A flash of bright green from the corner of his eyes caused Pokey to come crashing back from his daydreaming. Squinting, he saw a young lady resting atop the hill with her back to him, her bright green hair and wings a stark beacon amidst the white snow. "Hmm, what's a young lady doing out here?" pondered Pokey. "Doesn't she have any sense how dangerous it is out here?! I'm actually surprised I haven't run into any monsters in these parts." As Pokey continued to walk up the hill, he looked around him more closely. Sticks of trees sporadically dotted the landscape, their naked branches looking like fingers of old men. Just as he was within yelling range of the lady, he noticed it.... A white tail popping up from the other side of the hill, just to the right side of the sitting maiden. With a silent curse, Pokey sprinted as fast as he could, the glint of his blade twinkling in the moonlight as he unsheathed it from his granite staff. The young lady slowly turned towards him, her eyes wide with shock at the gigantic man running at her with a dangerous looking sword upraised. With a quick crouch and a sprint, Pokey jumped over Lia just as a snow lion pounced from the other side of the hill towards Lia. Pokey's sword easily punctured through the thick fur, the momentum from his run causing the blade to sink deep into the lion's body. With a loud thump, both man and beast crashed onto the ground. Before long, blood from the now dead animal seeped through the snow. Cleaning his blade, Pokey stood up and faced the Lia. She just sat there with a blank look on her face, her wings now limp with relief. "Are you ok, lady?" he asked. "" "Hey, hang on!" Pokey reached Lia just as she swooned into a dead faint, exhaustion and hunger finally taking it's toll her on. As Pokey looked down at her features, he noticed her pointy ears. The sound of winger fluttering caused him to look up. A white dove landed just a couple of feet away from the dead snow lion. "A winged-elf. How strange. Now what am I suppose to do?" he asked bird. With a tilt of it's head, the dove just blinked at him. Pokey sighed. "Well, I guess I might as well take her back to the harem. She's in no shape to be traveling by herself. Pyxie'll get her well in no time." Mumbling to no one in particular, Pokey made sure Lia's pulse was still good. With a nod, he carefully lifted her and started his slow trek back home. The white dove just watched them...silently...and with a gleam of a smile in it's eyes. The Final Fantasy Mailing List: Now available in Cherry, Strawberry or Tofu